Russia’s TASS news agency reported on January 18 that starting from August 12, 2016, fur clothing sold in the Eurasian Economic Union and imported to the Union’s customs borders must be affixed with electronic labels. Since the implementation of this approach, the number of Russian fur clothing import declarations has increased significantly. According to Russian customs statistics, Russia imported a total of 417,000 pieces of fur clothing in 2017, with a total value of US$232 million, an increase of 51.8% and 79.8% respectively compared with 2016. Customs duties and taxes paid were US$69.6 million, a year-on-year increase of 79.8%. In addition, a total of 1.2 million pieces of fur clothing were sold in Russia in 2017, with a total sales volume of 68.5 billion rubles. Russian fur clothing affixes electronic labels with remarkable results
AAA Functional Fabrics Network SVSGHRUTO