Recently, Argentina’s Ministry of Production issued Announcement No. 82 of 2018, launching an anti-dumping investigation into denim originating in China. (Mercosur tax numbers: 5208.43.00, 5209.42.10, 5209.42.90, 5209.49.00, 5210.49.10, 5211.42.10, 5211.42.90, 5211.49.00)
The enterprise involved in the case should submit the questionnaire to the UAE within 30 working days from receipt of the questionnaire. Relevant information and answer sheets should be translated into Spanish by a nationally registered translator and authenticated by the Embassy or Consulate of Afghanistan in China. Relevant stakeholders participating in the investigation should also attach certification documents proving their signature authority qualifications with the materials.
Afghanistan requires the products involved in the case to enter customs 60 working days after the announcement of the case filing takes effect to provide a certificate of origin.
For the case filing announcement, please refer to the following link:!DetalleNorma/179146/20180221.
Relevant questions may be directed to the investigation agency. Tel: (5411)4349-3969/37, Fax: (5411)4349-3930 (working hours 10:00-17:00);
Address: Mesa General de Entradas, sita en Avda. Presidente Julio Argentino Roca 651, Planta Baja, Sector 5, Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires. (Title: Argentina launches anti-dumping investigation into Chinese denim)