Composite Fabric,bonded fabric,Lamination Fabric Composite Fabric Technology Xinjiang port exports of textiles and clothing increased significantly in the quarter. Composite fabric information

Xinjiang port exports of textiles and clothing increased significantly in the quarter. Composite fabric information

According to customs statistics, in the first quarter of 2017, Xinjiang ports exported 10.24 billion yuan of textiles and clothing, an increase of 22.8% compared with the same period last year (the same below).…

According to customs statistics, in the first quarter of 2017, Xinjiang ports exported 10.24 billion yuan of textiles and clothing, an increase of 22.8% compared with the same period last year (the same below). Among them, exports of textile yarns, fabrics and products were 2.69 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 32.5%, accounting for 26.3% of the total value of Xinjiang port textile and clothing exports (hereinafter referred to as the total value) during the same period; exports of clothing and clothing accessories were 7.55 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 19.7% , accounting for 73.7% of the total value. (Picture below)


The main characteristics of textile and clothing exports from Xinjiang ports in the first quarter

(1) Exports stopped falling and rebounded in March. In March, Xinjiang port’s textile and clothing exports showed a monthly growth trend both year-on-year and month-on-month. The export volume in March reached 4.23 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 43.1% and a month-on-month increase of 1.7 times.

(2) Small-scale border trade is the main mode of trade. In the first quarter, Xinjiang ports exported 6.92 billion yuan of textiles and clothing in the form of small-scale border trade, an increase of 41.0%, accounting for 67.6% of the total value. Exports of textiles and clothing in the form of general trade were 3.16 billion yuan, a decrease of 3.5%, accounting for 30.9% of the total value; exports of textiles and clothing in the form of tourism shopping commodities were 150 million yuan, an increase of 17.6%, accounting for 1.5% of the total value.

(3) Private enterprises dominate exports. In the first quarter, Xinjiang port private enterprises exported 9.46 billion yuan of textiles and clothing, a year-on-year increase of 19.7%, accounting for 92.4% of the total value. State-owned enterprises exported 680 million yuan of textiles and clothing, a year-on-year increase of 75.5%, accounting for 6.6% of the total value. Foreign-funded enterprises exported 100 million yuan of textiles and clothing, a year-on-year increase of 1.5 times, accounting for 1.0% of the total value.

(4) Kyrgyzstan and Kazakhstan are the main export markets. In the first quarter, Xinjiang Port exported 4.63 billion yuan of textiles and clothing to Kyrgyzstan, a year-on-year increase of 10.7%, accounting for 45.2% of the total value; exported 3.00 billion yuan of textiles and clothing to Kazakhstan, accounting for 29.3% of the total value; exported textiles and clothing to the Russian Federation 1.96 billion yuan, a year-on-year decrease of 2.3%, accounting for 19.1% of the total value; textile and clothing exports to Tajikistan were 430 million yuan, a year-on-year decrease of 1.7%, accounting for 4.2% of the total value.

(5) Turgat and Irkeshtan are the main export ports. In the first quarter, the export of textiles and clothing from Turgat Port was 2.80 billion yuan, an increase of 6.1%, accounting for 27.3% of the total value; the export of Irkeshtan Port was 2.76 billion yuan, an increase of 3.7%, accounting for 27.0% of the total value; Durata Port Port exports were 1.30 billion yuan, an increase of 35.3%, accounting for 12.7% of the total value; Horgos Cooperation Center exports were 1.15 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 1.2 times, accounting for 11.2% of the total value; Horgos Port exports of textiles and clothing were 1.00 billion yuan yuan, a year-on-year increase of 34.0%, accounting for 9.8% of the total value.

Reasons for the growth of Xinjiang port textile and clothing exports in the second and first quarters

(1) The benefits of the Eurasian Economic Union and the Customs Union have emerged, and their boost to Xinjiang port re-export trade has become increasingly apparent. Kyrgyzstan is the largest market for textile and clothing exports from Xinjiang ports, accounting for half of the textile and clothing exports from Xinjiang ports. Since Kyrgyzstan joined the Eurasian Economic Union in 2015, its re-export trade with neighboring countries has become more convenient, directly promoting Kyrgyzstan’s import of textiles and clothing from Xinjiang ports.

(2) The economies of major neighboring exporting countries are showing signs of recovery and their demand for Chinese commodities is increasing. According to forecasts from the economic authorities and relevant economic institutions of Central Asian countries, Tajikistan’s economic growth rate will be 4.8% in 2017; Kazakhstan’s GDP will grow by 2.5% in 2017; and Russia’s economic growth rate will reach 2% in 2017. The economic recovery of major surrounding export markets, increasing demand and upgrading of consumption have driven a substantial increase in the export of my country’s advantageous products.

(3) Policy efforts Xinjiang’s textile and garment industry has entered the fast lane of development. With the strong support of national policies, Xinjiang will complete an investment of 60 billion yuan in the textile and clothing industry in 2017. Xinjiang’s textile and clothing industry is expected to maintain vigorous development, and its results will inevitably enter surrounding traditional export markets through Xinjiang ports.

3. Current issues and suggestions that textile and garment enterprises need to pay attention to

(1) Trade barriers are becoming increasingly strict, and our country’s products are in urgent need of transformation and upgrading. In recent years, developed countries in Europe and the United States have continued to strengthen their supervision of chemical additives in the textile and apparel production process, and green barriers have become increasingly stringent. For example, the European Union updates a version of its “green trade barriers” regulations in less than two months on average. At the beginning, it mainly banned and restricted the use of textile dyes. In recent years, it has begun to focus on banning and restricting the use of new textile auxiliaries. So far, it has banned and restricted the use of textile dyes. There are more than 2,000 varieties of textile dyes and textile auxiliaries in 25 categories. In January 2017, the International Environmentally Friendly Textile Association released the latest version of the Oeko-TexStandard100 ecological textile testing standard and limit value requirements. The new standard will officially take effect on April 1 this year. The new standards regulate harmful chemical residues in textiles to the strictest level in history. However, ecological textiles with Oeko-Tex Standard 100 certificates not only have smooth sales, but are also 20-30% more expensive than ordinary textiles. Many large purchasers in Europe and the United States have adopted this standard. As a technical basis for product procurement. Central and West Asian countries are increasingly influenced by Europe and the United States. Many import and export standards are directly copied from Europe and the United States. The challenges to my country’s traditional labor-intensive product exports due to rising green barriers cannot be ignored.

(2) New business formats are constantly emerging. The transformation of the textile and apparel industry needs to be accelerated. From the internal factors of the industry, the domestic production capacity of the textile industry is seriously overlapping. So far, 75% of China’s production capacity is concentrated in the five coastal provinces of Guangdong, Fujian, Zhejiang, Jiangsu and Shandong. Industrial transfer is slow, production capacity is heavily overlapping, and products are mainly concentrated in the mid- to low-end. �The future textile and clothing industry is both a manufacturing industry and a high-tech industry, a fashion industry, and a service industry. Textile and apparel companies need to move from “Internet +” to “channel +” and constantly pursue diversified development. Intelligent manufacturing is the inevitable path for the transformation and upgrading of the traditional textile and apparel industry and towards becoming a textile power. Intelligent manufacturing is not simply replacing part of the labor force with machines, but integrating “intelligence” into every aspect of corporate orders, supply chains, production, sales, and services, creating a flexible supply chain, and using the concept of supply-side structural reform , using intelligent manufacturing methods to realize the transformation and upgrading of the textile and clothing industry.

(3) Xinjiang’s textile and clothing industry has accelerated its development. In terms of policy formulation, in 2016, relevant departments in Xinjiang studied and formulated financial subsidy management measures for the export and transportation of Xinjiang’s textile and apparel products to the west, conducted research on the Russian textile and apparel market, and held training courses for foreign trade talents for textile and apparel enterprises. In terms of transportation, the Economic and Information Technology Commission of the Autonomous Region organized the transportation of carpets produced in Jinghe County to Duisburg, Germany via China-Europe trains. Textile products taking the China-Europe train will help expand the export of Xinjiang’s textile and clothing products to the west and further promote the construction of Xinjiang’s textile and clothing export processing base. A series of preferential policies have effectively helped Xinjiang textile and garment enterprises develop international markets.

Recommendations for this: First, guide enterprises to improve production processes, promote environmentally friendly product upgrades, and actively pass ecological certification to enhance the international recognition of textile and apparel products, increase product added value and technical content, and strengthen international competitiveness. The second is to promptly pay attention to the technical safety requirements of countries in Europe, the United States, Central and Western Asia and other countries, and take early response measures such as equipment upgrades and additive replacements in response to new regulations, improve the product quality supervision system, ensure that products match the export market qualification standards, and consolidate the market share of neighboring countries. The third is to guide and encourage enterprises to further improve the industrial chain, support the merger and reorganization of leading enterprises and brand enterprises in the textile and garment industry, and make them better and stronger through horizontal alliances and vertical integration. On the one hand, rely on Xinjiang’s industrial advantages to further develop the “Land Silk Road” The market, on the other hand, improves the ability of enterprises to integrate global resources and cultivates a number of enterprise groups with international competitive advantages. Textile and clothing exports from Xinjiang ports increased significantly in the first quarter of 2017

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Author: clsrich

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