Composite Fabric,bonded fabric,Lamination Fabric Lamination Fabric News Is waffle hot again? With a machine profit of 200 yuan per day, niche fabrics are worth looking forward to!

Is waffle hot again? With a machine profit of 200 yuan per day, niche fabrics are worth looking forward to!

Do you remember the hot-selling waffles some time ago? The “legendary” fabric that fell from the sky to the bottom, from 8 yuan/meter to 5 yuan/meter, has become popular again recently! “Matte…

Do you remember the hot-selling waffles some time ago? The “legendary” fabric that fell from the sky to the bottom, from 8 yuan/meter to 5 yuan/meter, has become popular again recently!

“Matted non-elastic waffles are selling like hotcakes, and many merchants are vying to make them in the market. We have 20 looms in production in our factory, with a daily output of 3,000 meters, and a machine profit of 200 yuan/day. Already, I’ve been working on it for half a month,” said a textile boss in Shengze area.

The hot seller this time is the matte non-elastic waffle. The difference in name from the CEY elastic waffle that was popular last time is that one is stretchy and the other is not stretchy. However, the raw materials used in the two fabrics are very different. , the thickness is very different, one is made of 75D matte DTY, and the other is made of 180DCEY. However, although there are differences in raw materials, the styles of the two fabrics are similar.

It is better to have elasticity than not to have elasticity. Is elasticity not popular this year?

Last year, both spandex-containing and spandex-free elastic fabrics were extremely popular in the market. However, this year’s elastic fabrics do not seem to be as popular as last year. As for the best-selling varieties in the market, most of them are ” It’s a niche fabric with “weird and weird” fabrics, but I can’t say there’s anything particularly hot-selling among the regular varieties.

However, when it comes to elastic fabrics, the market in recent years has been dominated by elastic fabrics. The reason why the best-selling waffles this time are non-elastic rather than elastic is mainly due to cost.

“The cost of elastic is 5 yuan/meter (including twisting fee). The current market price is only 5 yuan/meter. The cost of elastic is only 2.2 yuan/meter. The current market price is also 5 yuan/meter. Two They are all similar in style, so why choose the loss-making one if you can make more money?” said a textile boss in Shengze area.

At the same market price, the cost of elastic is twice that of non-elastic. With such a gap, I believe textile bosses are more interested in non-elastic matte waffles.

But in the final analysis, compared with conventional fabrics, the money that textile bosses make in their pockets this year comes from niche fabrics.

The market in 2022 still depends on niche fabrics

From the beginning of the new year to now, when it comes to hot-selling fabrics, there are really no conventional varieties, or they are nylon silk fabrics sold at a loss. They say that they are sold at a loss and cannot be considered a hot seller at all. They can only be said to be sold at a low price. On the other hand, although niche fabrics have been popular for a short period of time, their costs are almost always very high, with machine profits of hundreds of yuan, and there are quite a few hot-selling varieties.

Niche fabrics have a small audience, there are not many weaving manufacturers involved, and the manufacturers have the final say on prices, so the fabric prices will be relatively high, and the profit margins will be relatively large. It is not possible for everyone to make money, but at least some of them are still there. There is profit for the textile boss.

In recent years, the popularity of niche fabrics in the market is still very high. Whether it is the off-season or forgotten, there will always be a few niche fabrics that stand out. It is obvious that the current market still needs the support of niche fabrics. After all, the epidemic has occurred in the past few years. Since then, conventional varieties have been sold in droves, but the profits are usually very low, and it is not possible to stock up in large quantities. The price of raw materials is unstable, and you will lose money if you are not careful.

The current market is so chaotic that textile bosses have no idea what to produce and what to stock. Last time, a textile boss told the editor: “Originally, it was booming in March and April, and it could slow down in the summer. Now it is There are no orders during the peak season, so I don’t know what to do this year.”

Generally speaking, the market conditions this year are indeed not very good. There are too many uncertain factors this year, which prevents the market from running smoothly at all. The “Golden Three” period has passed, and the weak peak season is clearly reflected. So textile bosses, are you still looking forward to the Silver Four?


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Author: clsrich

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