Rexing®, founded in California, North America, is defined as a sports and outdoor functional clothing brand surrounding “self-driving travel + camping” in North America.
Based on lightweight mountaineering outdoor sports, Rexing® has developed into multi-scenario outdoor sports in recent years, redefining the outdoor sports brand and providing professional clothing for sports around campsites.
The city is a huge concrete forest. Each of us seems to have to follow these “rules and regulations”, but Rexing® wants to have a free spirit in it and pursue positive happiness in life; through professionalism Protection, comfort, exciting movement, good adaptability, and freedom to move through the world.
Release yourself, love nature, use sports in nature, break out of the old ways, and only choose what suits you, which represents an innovation and attitude.
We can go to forests and lakes, or we can go to the sea and desert, and be the explorers who pursue our dreams. Or maybe even though you live in the city, you are different, always moving and exploring.
Outdoor sports brand redefined