Composite Fabric,bonded fabric,Lamination Fabric Lamination Fabric News Improve the cotton market supervision system and promote high-quality development of the cotton industry

Improve the cotton market supervision system and promote high-quality development of the cotton industry

At present, the cotton harvesting work is basically completed and it has begun to enter the deep processing stage. On November 22, reporters saw workers at Kuqa Yinhua Cotton Co., Ltd. busy processing cotton. T…

At present, the cotton harvesting work is basically completed and it has begun to enter the deep processing stage. On November 22, reporters saw workers at Kuqa Yinhua Cotton Co., Ltd. busy processing cotton.

The reporter noticed that every lint bale in the yard of Kuqa Yinhua Cotton Co., Ltd. has a barcode sign. “This barcode is as unique as a person’s ID card. By scanning it with your mobile phone, you can clearly know the cotton processing manufacturer, production date, quality grade, package number, batch number and other information, making it easier for buyers to trace the quality and Feedback.” Company technician Xu Xiaohong introduced.

In order to adapt to the new development situation of the cotton industry and promote the high-quality development of the cotton industry, the Kuqa Municipal Market Supervision and Administration Bureau has strengthened the quality control of cotton sources and accelerated the improvement of cotton market supervision. The system implements full-chain closed-loop supervision and management of cotton acquisition, processing, sales, warehousing and other links to guide cotton operators to continue to pay attention to cotton quality and improve market competitiveness. “We urge enterprises to produce and process cotton strictly in accordance with the quality system and technical specifications of ‘one trial, five determinations’, and refuse to purchase water-stained cotton to ensure cotton quality.” said Wang Chenglin, a cadre of the Quality Supervision Office of Kuqa City Market Supervision Administration.

While fully promoting various regulatory measures, the Kuqa City Market Supervision Department also implemented a cadre contact service system to further improve the effectiveness of supervision. “Implementing the joint contracting system for cotton processing enterprises ensures that each cotton processing enterprise has joint contracting cadres for daily supervision, inspection and service guidance.” Wan Xueliang, director of the Quality Supervision Office of the Kuqa Municipal Market Supervision Administration, said that the responsibilities should be assigned to the main entities and promptly Supervise enterprises to find and analyze the causes of problems in all aspects of the cotton market, help enterprises solve practical difficulties, and effectively do a good job in cotton quality supervision and service.

Since this year, Kuqa City’s market supervision system has focused on promoting supervision capacity building and supervision method innovation, and organized cotton processing enterprises to hold symposiums to improve the quality of enterprise employees. Awareness, standardize the establishment of procurement quality inspection system by enterprises, urge enterprises to produce and purchase cotton in strict accordance with the requirements of the “Cotton Supervision and Administration Regulations”, and actively carry out supervision and cotton protection actions. Before cotton enterprises open scales, organize the heads of cotton processing enterprises and cotton inspectors , information personnel shall be trained on relevant laws, regulations and professional skills, and the use of unqualified measuring instruments and instruments shall be prohibited. At the same time, through spot checks, random inspections and special management, it is verified whether the enterprise is processing in accordance with national standards and ginning process specifications to ensure the quality and safety of cotton.


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Author: clsrich

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