Composite Fabric,bonded fabric,Lamination Fabric Lamination Fabric News Kaiping: Revitalizing the Textile and Garment Industry

Kaiping: Revitalizing the Textile and Garment Industry

Walking through the streets and alleys of Kaiping City, people’s colorful fashions become a beautiful sight. Mentioning the textile and garment industry in Kaiping makes many people in the industry feel regretf…

Walking through the streets and alleys of Kaiping City, people’s colorful fashions become a beautiful sight. Mentioning the textile and garment industry in Kaiping makes many people in the industry feel regretful. The textile and garment industry, which was once the city’s traditional pillar, has experienced ups and downs, and many companies have collapsed. However, amidst the great waves, some companies are not discouraged and are trying to make breakthroughs and innovations in all aspects from design to production, as well as constantly exploring innovation paths such as changing technology and technology and embarking on the road of green environmental protection.

The textile and garment industry is one of the traditional industries with a large output value in Jiangmen, and is an important part of promoting the high-quality development of Jiangmen’s advanced manufacturing industry. In recent years, Kaiping City has launched a number of special plans for advantageous traditional pillar industries to promote the optimization and upgrading of traditional pillar industries. At present, we are accelerating the formulation of the “14th Five-Year Plan” for the development of advanced manufacturing, which will provide guidance for the industry from the aspects of park construction, industrial chain development, technological transformation, brand building, etc., indicate the direction of development, and clarify development goals. Nowadays, Kaiping City focuses on the development of textile fabrics, textile products, industrial textiles and self-owned brand garment products, with health, intelligence, personalization, fashion and green as the key directions, by accelerating the pace of transformation and upgrading and creating industrial agglomeration District, promote industrial transformation and upgrading, strengthen the cultivation of leading enterprises and other measures to promote the high-end development of the textile and garment industry.

Looking back at history

Kaiping is an important textile industry base

The textile and clothing industry in Kaiping has a long history. During the Qing Dynasty, Kaiping’s textile industry was already relatively prosperous. By the 1980s and 1990s, the local government took advantage of the reform and opening up to promote the development of the chemical fiber textile industry to a new level. In 2001, before Kaiping became “China’s Textile Industry Base,” there were 263 chemical fiber textile companies in the city with annual sales revenue of more than 5 million yuan, with a total output value of more than 10.4 billion yuan, accounting for 53.95% of the total output value of similar industries in the province.

A large number of companies with relatively large output values ​​such as Benda Textile, Lianxin High-Performance Fiber, Xindi Dyeing and Finishing, Hongri Clothing, and Youli Underwear and Clothing Ingredients have emerged in Kaiping. It is a well-known enterprise with high technology, large scale and advanced technology and equipment, and has gradually formed a complete industrial chain from raw material production, spinning and weaving to finishing and dyeing, accessories, garment making and washing. Textile and clothing products sell well all over the world. Kaiping has become one of the important textile industry bases in Guangdong Province, and it deserves the title of “China’s Textile Industry Base”.

The textile and garment industry, as one of the three traditional pillar industries in Kaiping City, has made Kaiping’s industrial economy more substantial and increased fiscal revenue and It has played an important role in arranging social employment, improving the ability to earn foreign exchange, prospering the market, and promoting regional economic development.

In recent years, with the continuous efforts of some cities in the Pearl River Delta in the textile and clothing industry, as well as the rapid development of the textile and clothing industry in the Yangtze River Delta region, Kaiping Textile and Garment The development of the industry is relatively lagging behind, and the advantages accumulated in the past are no longer obvious. Except for a few “star companies”, most textile and clothing companies are small in scale and relatively scattered, with relatively weak industrial clusters. This feature is especially obvious among downstream clothing companies.

What is gratifying is that the recently held 14th Party Congress of Kaiping City clearly stated that Kaiping City should expand and strengthen its manufacturing industry and benchmark it. The province and Jiangmen have laid out strategic industrial clusters and implemented actions to cultivate advanced manufacturing clusters; the “Proposal on Revitalizing the Textile and Garment Industry in Kaiping City” was included in the key proposals of the 6th Session of the 13th Kaiping CPPCC. For Kaiping’s textile and garment industry, this is undoubtedly a major piece of good news.

Overview of the current situation

Leading green development with technological innovation

In the past two years, what has caused headaches for many textile and garment companies in Kaiping is that due to various factors, the chemical fiber textile and garment industry has generally reduced production. Kaiping once conducted an investigation into the city’s textile and garment industry and found that many companies were forced to suspend production or even close down. Many textile and garment enterprises are at a “life or death” critical moment.

Since this year, “carbon peak” and “carbon neutrality” have become hot words in the textile industry. In the “Textile Industry “14th Five-Year Plan” Development Outline” issued by the China Textile and Apparel Industry Federation, it is not only clearly stated that my country’s textile industry must become the main driver of the world’s textile technology, an important leader of global fashion, and a powerful promoter of sustainable development. Those who have even listed “textile green manufacturing” as a key development project. Under this situation, many textile and garment enterprises in Kaiping City are closely focusing on environmental protection work in the industry and are committed to exploring a scientific development path of “win-win” for economic development and ecological environment.

The factory buildings are well-proportioned, green plants are dotted into the scenery, and the vehicles are neatly arranged. Recently, the reporter visited Benda Textile Co., Ltd. (Benda Textile Co., Ltd.), a representative textile enterprise in Kaiping City. (hereinafter referred to as “Benda Company”), saw a pleasant scene. Benda Company is good at targeting opportunities, responds to national policies, and has become a benchmark enterprise for green environmental protection. It won the title of “Advanced Enterprise in Energy Efficiency (Water Efficiency) Benchmarking in the Textile Industry of Guangdong Province in 2019-2020”.

As one of the leading enterprises in Kaiping’s textile and garment industry, Benda Company’s output value in 2019 was 726 million yuan, and its tax payment was 12.447 million yuan, accounting for 10% of the total in Shuikou, Kaiping City. The textile industry accounts for about 90% of the town. The “magic weapon” that leads Benda Company to achieve outstanding results is…To promote the structural adjustment of the textile industry, create textile and clothing brands, and promote industrial transformation and upgrading.

In addition, Kaiping City will also guide the textile and garment industry to become bigger and stronger based on development planning, vigorously promote the transformation of enterprise production methods, and lead the intelligent Manufacturing and collaborative manufacturing have become innovative directions, bringing the textile and garment industry into the new era of “Internet +”, solving traditional management and sales problems, and promoting the revitalization of Kaiping’s textile and garment industry.

“The grass and trees are spreading, and spring mountains are expected.” Zhou Jueneng, deputy director and party member of the Kaiping Municipal Science, Industry and Commerce Bureau, said that the bureau will further improve corporate service levels , vigorously support and promote traditional pillar industries such as textiles and clothing to become bigger and stronger, and guide independent innovation, technological transformation and green development to transform into high-tech, high value-added, energy-saving and environmentally friendly enterprises.

Reporter’s Notes

The future of Kaiping’s textile and garment industry is promising

Although Kaiping’s textile and garment industry has gone through a period of silence, it is still Kaiping’s traditional advantageous industry and has a strong industrial foundation. Nowadays, Kaiping City has sounded the clarion call to revitalize the textile and garment industry, injecting a “boost” into the enterprise and bringing new expectations to the development of the industry.

Through in-depth interviews over the past few days, the reporter found that the courage to innovate, transform and upgrade, and advance to the high end are the “labels” of those companies that have seized the “commanding heights” of the industry. These “vanguards” of industrial development are full of vitality and are bound to become the “main force” in revitalizing Kaiping’s textile and apparel industry.

In addition to consolidating existing advantages, what should Kaiping’s textile and apparel industry do to achieve new breakthroughs? From the supply side perspective, it is necessary to accelerate the widespread application of digital technology in manufacturing, management, logistics, design, sales, and collaboration and rapid response of industrial and supply chains, improve the level of intelligent manufacturing, strengthen basic scientific research, and develop emerging textiles Materials, continue to promote green and sustainable development, and establish a flexible, efficient, and high-quality digital supply chain system; from the consumer perspective, it is necessary to reconstruct a new consumption model in the digital economy era and stabilize the industry’s export share.

The horn has been sounded, the goal has been clear, and the future of Kaiping’s textile and garment industry is promising.


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Author: clsrich

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