Composite Fabric,bonded fabric,Lamination Fabric Lamination Fabric News Advantages and disadvantages of satin fabric (Which is more comfortable, satin cotton or pure cotton)

Advantages and disadvantages of satin fabric (Which is more comfortable, satin cotton or pure cotton)

The advantages and disadvantages of satin fabric. Satin fabric is a satin weave fabric, which is a fabric with a relatively complicated weaving process. The warp yarns float on the surface of the fabric, so com…

The advantages and disadvantages of satin fabric. Satin fabric is a satin weave fabric, which is a fabric with a relatively complicated weaving process. The warp yarns float on the surface of the fabric, so combed yarns are generally used. There are very light and thin 60-count yarns, and there are also slightly thicker 30-count yarns. The weight is generally 100-200g/m2 combed fabrics. There is also elastic satin, which is of a higher grade. Because it is shiny and soft, it is the most unique product among pure cotton fabrics, so it is the first choice for high-end trousers or windbreakers.

Satin fabric:The warp and weft yarns are interlaced at least every three yarns.

Features: Because the satin weave makes the fabric denser, the fabric is thicker.

Cost: Satin weave products are more expensive than similar plain and twill weave products.

Others: Fabrics woven with satin weave are collectively called satin weave fabrics.

The most common satin fabric is striped satin, referred to as satin strip.

It is divided into two types of fabrics: 40-count satin strips with a width of 2.4 meters and 60-count satin strips with a width of 2.8 meters.

Weaving first and then dyeing, this kind of fabric is generally solid color. Extends the horizontal bar.

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To distinguish the advantages and disadvantages of satin, we must compare the yarn count and density.

Yarn count

Standard principle: The standard for the thickness of yarn count is that 1 tael of cotton is used to make 30 yarns of 1 meter, that is, 30 counts (30); 1 tael of cotton Make 40 pieces of yarn 1 meter long, that is 40 pieces (40S); 1 tael of cotton is made into 60 pieces of yarn 1 meter long, that is 60 pieces (60S). Satin jacquard printed fabric

Basic concept: In the textile industry, 30-count, 40-count, 60-count, etc. are commonly used to describe the yarn quality of the fabric.

Standard background: Satin also talks about yarn count.

Industry selection: Satin bedding is rarely made with a yarn count of more than 60, and 40~60 is generally chosen. Because the high thread count cloth is too thin, it is not suitable for bedding. Not many factories in China can make 80-count fabric.


Standard background: In the industry, satin fabrics basically do not talk about the count, they only talk about the multiplication (such as 110X90, 128X68, 65X78, 133X72) , because there are very few options for count, generally 30S and 40S, and 60S is rarely used.

Standard principle: Satin fabrics pay attention to density, that is, the fabric with the highest density per unit area and the highest index is the top grade. That is to say: within a unit area, the higher the number of warp and weft threads (roots), the better the quality of the fabric.

Calculation method: Fabrics with a warp and weft count of more than 30 and a fabric density (warp density + weft density) of more than 180 threads/square inch are called high-count and high-density fabrics. For example, the 40-count satin 133X95 belongs to high count and low density, and the 40-count 173

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Author: clsrich

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