On July 21, 2019, the Committee on Dumping, Subsidies and Non-tariff Trade Barriers of the National Institute for Competition and Intellectual Property Protection of Peru published Article 0111 in the official daily newspaper El Peruano. -Resolution 2019/SDC-INDECOPI terminates the imposition of anti-dumping duties on zippers and accessories (Spanish: cierresdecremallerasysuspartes) originating in China; no traceability will be levied on the products involved from June 1, 2017 to August 16, 2017 Anti-dumping duties. The products involved in the case have Peruvian tax numbers 96071100, 96071900, and 96072000.
On February 19, 2017, the Committee on Dumping, Subsidies and Non-tariff Trade Barriers of the National Institute for Competition and Intellectual Property Protection of Peru issued No. 048-2017/CDB-INDECOPI It was resolved that at the request of the Peruvian company Corporación Rey S.A., an anti-dumping investigation should be initiated into Chinese-made zippers and accessories. On February 18, 2018, the Committee on Dumping, Subsidies and Non-tariff Trade Barriers of the Peruvian National Institute for Competition and Intellectual Property Protection issued Resolution No. 017-2018/CDB-INDECOPI on the official daily: Actions on zippers and accessories originating in China The anti-dumping investigation is finalized and final measures are decided for a period of 5 years.
Original text: https://busquedas.elperuano.pe/download/url/revocan-extremos-de-la-res-n-017-2018cdb-indecopi- referen-resolucion-no-0111-2019sdc-indecopi-1790618-1