Recently, the Minister of Industry and Commerce of India stated that as of now, India has not imposed restrictions on cotton exports, and the previous export registration system was canceled last year. Therefore, importing countries can purchase Indian cotton as they wish. The International Cotton Advisory Committee estimates that India’s output in 2015/2016 will be 6.4 million tons, a year-on-year decrease of 3%.
It is understood that despite the oversupply of yarn in India, the Indian industry expects domestic and foreign market demand to increase, prompting the textile industry to continue to expand production capacity. The current production capacity has reached 50 million spindles, and will increase by 10% in the next year~ 15%. Nair, general secretary of the Indian Textile Federation, said that as long as Indian cotton can be exported, the domestic textile industry will not be saturated. This is why the Indian industry believes that domestic and foreign demand for Indian cotton yarn will recover. The Indian Economic Monitoring Center predicts that India’s yarn production is expected to increase by 4.8% in 2015/2016, reaching 4.3 million tons. The new capacity is mainly in Gujarat to absorb excess cotton supply in the region.
Nair said that even if China’s import demand weakens, there are other export markets for Indian cotton. Moreover, the oversupply of Indian cotton is only short-term. The government’s textile industry output value target is US$500 billion, which will promote the entire textile industry. expansion of each link in the chain.