Composite Fabric,bonded fabric,Lamination Fabric Composite Fabric Technology Tiandong County carries out special research on composite fabric information on “Promoting the Development of Silkworm Industry and Assisting Rural Revitalization”

Tiandong County carries out special research on composite fabric information on “Promoting the Development of Silkworm Industry and Assisting Rural Revitalization”

On March 17, Huang Jianping, vice chairman of the Guangxi Baise Municipal People’s Political Consultative Conference, led a research team to Tiandong County to conduct a special survey on “Promoting…

On March 17, Huang Jianping, vice chairman of the Guangxi Baise Municipal People’s Political Consultative Conference, led a research team to Tiandong County to conduct a special survey on “Promoting the Development of the Silkworm Industry and Assisting Rural Revitalization”. Wang Wei, Chairman of the County CPPCC, accompanied the investigation.

In recent years, Tiandong County has attached great importance to the development of characteristic and advantageous industries, vigorously promoted the development of the sericulture industry, and achieved remarkable results. In 2021, the total area of ​​mulberry gardens in the county reached 4016.5 acres, with 91 acres of new planting area. Among them, there are three co-breeding rooms for silkworms in Lixin Village of Yincha Town, Zhenliang Village and Shuangyan Village of Silin Town. A total of 3,231 silkworm seeds have been distributed, and 138.56 tons of fresh cocoons have been sold, with an output value of approximately 7.75936 million yuan.

At the Professional Cooperative Base for Wealth-Producing Mulberry and Sericulture Farmers in Lixin Village, Yincha Town, Huang Jianping and his party listened to relevant introductions from the heads of counties, towns, villages and cooperatives, and learned more about mulberry garden management and protection, mulberry leaf planting, economic benefits, etc. situation, fully affirming the achievements made in the development of sericulture industry in Tiandong County.

Huang Jianping requested that we should effectively connect the consolidation and expansion of poverty alleviation results with rural revitalization, aim at industrial goals, and make precise and sustained efforts; we should constantly optimize the structure of the sericulture industry, extend and improve the sericulture industry chain, carefully sum up experience and learn from other places We must adopt successful practices and strive to create a characteristic agricultural brand; we must adapt to local conditions, scientifically plan, strengthen technical training, strengthen the village-level collective economy, and effectively play a leading role in demonstration; we must further integrate resources and increase support for enterprises and silkworm farmers to allow more Many people are becoming rich by growing mulberry and raising silkworms.

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Author: clsrich

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