Composite Fabric,bonded fabric,Lamination Fabric Composite Fabric Technology Shandong: How to grow cotton this year, here comes the authoritative opinion Composite fabric information

Shandong: How to grow cotton this year, here comes the authoritative opinion Composite fabric information

In order to manage the spring sowing of cotton in the province this year, the Shandong Provincial Agricultural Technology Promotion Center organized the cotton branch of the Provincial Agricultural Expert Advis…

In order to manage the spring sowing of cotton in the province this year, the Shandong Provincial Agricultural Technology Promotion Center organized the cotton branch of the Provincial Agricultural Expert Advisory Group and relevant experts from the Provincial Cotton Industry Technology System to formulate the “2022 Shandong Provincial Cotton Preparation Plan” “Opinions on Sowing and Sowing Technology”, the Shandong Provincial Department of Agriculture and Rural Affairs recently issued the “Opinions”, emphasizing that all localities should conscientiously implement them based on local realities. In response to the adverse impact of last year’s autumn floods on the quality of some cotton seeds, competent authorities at all levels must strengthen market management to provide cotton farmers with high-quality cotton seeds to ensure that all seedlings can be sown in one go. Lay a solid foundation for a bumper cotton harvest throughout the year.

Be prepared before broadcasting

(1) Choose suitable varieties. Choose high-quality and abundant varieties that are suitable for local production and ecological conditions and have excellent comprehensive traits. The following principles should be followed in seed selection: First, the principle of legality, select varieties that have been approved by the national or provincial variety approval committee and are suitable for planting in the region. The second is the market-oriented principle, selecting varieties with excellent fiber quality that meet the needs of the textile industry. The third is the principle of adaptability, choosing varieties that are compatible with local ecology and planting patterns. The cotton areas in northern Shandong and northwestern Shandong implement a one-crop-a-year planting model, which is simple and has a high level of mechanization. High-quality cotton varieties with good early maturity, easy management, and concentrated bolls and lint can be selected; the cotton area in southwestern Shandong implements cotton garlic (wheat) ) planting mode of two crops a year, high-yield and high-quality hybrid cotton varieties or conventional cotton varieties with strong single-plant production capacity should be selected when interplanting garlic fields; when garlic (wheat) is sown after sowing, high-quality early-maturing short-season cotton varieties should be selected.

(2) Prepare sufficient production materials. The selection of cotton seeds should follow the principle of “brand quality”. The first thing is to purchase brand seeds from regular cotton seed companies with full qualifications, strong strength and good reputation. Such companies have standardized seed production, guaranteed quality, and relatively good after-sales service; The quality of commercial seeds must meet or exceed the national quality standards (GB4407.1-2008), develing-coated seeds, that is, purity ≥99%, purity of seeds for production ≥95%, germination rate ≥80%, and moisture content ≤ 12%. The seed germination rate is ≥85%, preferably above 90%. 10 to 15 days before sowing, choose sunny and good weather and fully dry them in the sun. At the same time, it is necessary to prepare sufficient production materials such as fertilizers, pesticides, mulch films, and shrinkage, and to maintain the agricultural machinery and tools used.

(3) Do a good job in soil preparation and moisture creation.

1. Fine soil preparation. In the first-mature cotton area, after fertilization, plow 20 to 25 cm, and then harrow to level the cotton field, finely break the soil, and remove the remaining film and large root stubble that may affect sowing, emergence, and rooting. In double-ripe cotton areas, harvesting, land preparation, and sowing are required at the same time.

2. Irrigation to create moisture. Suitable moisture for sowing is the key to full seedlings in one sowing. Irrigation of cotton fields before sowing not only creates good moisture for cotton sowing and seedling emergence, but is also an important measure for salt pressing and alkali washing in saline-alkali cotton fields. It is the key to ensuring full seedlings in one sowing of cotton. Irrigation should be done about 20 days before sowing. Generally, the amount of irrigation per mu of non-saline-alkali land is 60-80 cubic meters; the amount of irrigation per mu of lightly saline-alkali land is 80-100 cubic meters; the amount of irrigation per mu of moderately saline-alkali land is 100-150 cubic meters; the amount of irrigation per mu of severely saline-alkali land is 150 cubic meters. ~200 cubic meters. For dry and thin land without watering conditions, measures such as topping and raking, raking after rain, and covering with film before sowing should be used to preserve soil moisture and create suitable moisture for normal cotton germination and emergence.

3. Apply enough base fertilizer. In the first mature cotton area, on the basis of returning cotton straw to the field, 400 to 500 kilograms of commercial organic fertilizer (organic matter content ≥ 30%) is applied per mu after salting and moistening, or 2,000 kilograms of fully decomposed farmyard manure is applied. In double-crop cotton areas, it is necessary to make full use of the fertilizer applied in the previous crop to achieve the effect of fertilizing in one season and in two seasons.

Ensure that all seedlings are sown

(1) One-ripe spring cotton production

1. Suitable sowing date. The suitable sowing period is from April 20th to 30th. Generally, it is appropriate to sow when the ground temperature of 5cm is stable and passes through 14℃. The soil moisture this spring is better than in previous years. It is recommended that cotton farmers sow at the right time. For severely saline-alkali soil, sowing can be postponed to around May 5. For special reasons, short-season cotton varieties must be used for sowing on bare land after May 10.

2. The amount of broadcast is appropriate. Coated seeds are used, and the seeding rate is set according to the weather, soil preparation conditions and moisture. Precise hole sowing, 1 to 2 seeds per hole, the seeding rate for cotton fields covered with plastic film is 1.0 to 1.5 kg, and the seeding rate for cotton fields on bare land is 1.5 to 2.0 kg. . Due to heavy precipitation during the cotton cotton sprouting period last autumn, the inland seed production fields were affected by rainfall, and the germination rate of cotton seeds was lower than usual. It is recommended that cotton farmers increase the amount of seeds used moderately compared with previous years, and prepare more than 2.0 kilograms of sowing per mu. Depending on the soil quality and soil moisture, the sowing depth is generally 3.0 to 3.5 cm in bare cotton fields and 2.0 to 2.5 cm in mulch-covered cotton fields.

3. Plant seeds and fertilizers at the same time. In order to save labor in cotton fertilization and improve fertilizer utilization efficiency, it is advocated to use integrated seeding and fertilization machinery to apply the chemical fertilizers required for the entire growth period of cotton at one time (depth ≥ 10 cm) with sowing. Generally, 20 kg of diammonium phosphate per mu is applied. 5 kg of urea + 10 kg of controlled-release urea (controlled release period 90 days) and 10 kg of potassium sulfate.

4. Plant closely and reasonably. Conventional spring cotton is planted with equal row spacing of about 80 cm or small rows with large rows of 90 to 100 cm and small rows of 60 cm, with a density of 3500 to 5000 plants/acre; hybrid cotton or high water and fertilizer plots advocate wide row planting, using .For sowing, the row spacing is about 100 to 110 cm, and the density is about 2500 to 3000 plants/mu. For mechanized harvest cotton fields, the row spacing is 76 cm, and the density is about 5000 to 6000 plants/mu.

5. Chemical weeding. In order to improve the weeding effect and save labor, after sowing and before covering with film, 100 ml of 33% pendimethalin EC + 100 ml of 72% metolachlor EC are evenly sprayed per mu to seal the weeds.

(2) Seedling transplantation into cotton fields

1. Sowing time. Backward the seedbed sowing time according to the transplanting period. Generally, garlic (onion) cotton is sown in late March or early April and transplanted in early May.

2. Seedling raising methods. Combined with actual production conditions, arch sheds or greenhouses can be used for simple paper pot seedling cultivation or matrix plug seedling cultivation. Temperature and moisture control should be done well to ensure that the seedlings are neat and strong.

3. Transplanting management. Pay attention to ventilation and harden the seedlings 5 ​​to 7 days before transplanting, and fill them with “seedling water” once. After that, it is not suitable to water again until transplanting. Spray leaf protectant 2 days before transplanting to increase the seedling rate. If manual or mechanical trenching or hole planting is used, the depth of the cotton seedlings’ root system in the soil is required to be no less than 7 cm, and sufficient “settling water” is poured in time after planting. Cotton planting operations should be carried out in sunny and good weather. Planting operations should be stopped when encountering low temperature and cold wave weather.

(3) Two-crop system live broadcast cotton field

At present, the two-crop direct seeding planting model of cotton in our province mainly involves direct seeding after the harvest of garlic, wheat, forage, potatoes, onions and other crops. The following aspects should be paid attention to when sowing cotton.

1. Suitable sowing date. From May 25th to June 5th, after the previous crop of garlic (wheat, forage, potatoes, onions) is harvested, short-season cotton will be sown in time after stubble or mechanical rotary tillage. Pay attention to shallow sowing and ensure that the cotton is planted in 6 Seedlings appear around the 10th of the month.

2. The amount of broadcast is appropriate. For precision sowing of post-garlic short-season cotton, a multi-functional precision seeder is used to sow seeds at the right time and at the same moisture content. The seed amount per acre is 1.2 to 2.0 kilograms. In the area suitable for light and heat resources in southwestern Shandong, short-season cotton after wheat (forage), after the wheat (forage) harvest, it is sown directly using a precision seeding combined operation machine that can ditch, fertilize, sow, suppress and cover soil at one time. , Precision drilling requires 2.0 kilograms of seed per acre. If there is insufficient moisture, pour water after sowing.

3. Plant seeds and fertilizers at the same time. For short-season cotton after wheat (feeding), the integrated machinery for seeding and fertilization is used to apply the chemical fertilizers required for the entire growth period of short-season cotton at one time (depth ≥ 12 cm) with sowing. Generally, 10 kg of diammonium phosphate and ordinary urea are applied per mu. 5 kg + 10 kg of controlled-release urea (controlled release period 40-50 days) and 10 kg of potassium sulfate. When sowing cotton after garlic, there is no need to fertilize during sowing.

4. Plant closely and reasonably. The row spacing is 60 to 70 cm. When using mechanical harvesting, 66 cm can be used, and the harvest density reaches about 6,000 plants/acre.

5. Chemical weeding and insect control. After sowing, spray 100 ml of 33% pendimethalin EC + 100 ml of 72% metolachlor EC evenly on the acres.

Strengthening seedling management

(1) Release seedlings in time. Cotton fields are covered with plastic film. In order to prevent “seedling burning” caused by high temperature weather, during the emergence of cotton seedlings, we must pay close attention to the emergence situation, especially 5 days after sowing. We must observe the field every day, drill holes according to the planned hole spacing and release seedlings in a timely manner. Put 1 to 2 seedlings in the hole.

(2) Reasonable cultivation. After the cotton in the direct-seeded cotton field emerges to the 3-leaf stage, the exposed parts of the cotton field should be cultivated and hoeed promptly to increase temperature and moisture and promote the healthy growth of cotton. The appropriate cultivating depth is 6 to 10 centimeters.

(3) Scientific prevention and control of pests and diseases

1. Pest control. The main insect pests of cotton in the seedling stage are cotton aphids, cotton thrips, Lygus gossypii, etc., which can be controlled by spraying with imidacloprid, carbofuran, thiapyridine, sulfoxaflor and other pesticides. After the two-crop direct-seeded cotton emerges, special attention should be paid to the prevention and control of cotton thrips pests.

2. Disease prevention and control. The main diseases in the seedling stage are blight, anthracnose, and red rot. Seed dressing treatments can be carried out with fludioxonil, metalaxyl, methylphosphos, thiram, etc.; at the early stage of the disease, mancozeb, Polyresistant antibiotics; spraying foliar fertilizers improves the disease resistance of cotton plants.

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Author: clsrich

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