Composite Fabric,bonded fabric,Lamination Fabric Composite Fabric Technology Heading towards the “100-billion-dollar cluster”—composite fabric information behind the “gorgeous turnaround” of Yudu County’s textile and apparel industry

Heading towards the “100-billion-dollar cluster”—composite fabric information behind the “gorgeous turnaround” of Yudu County’s textile and apparel industry

Recently, reporters visited various production workshops of textile and garment enterprises in Du Industrial Park, but they saw a busy scene everywhere. Textile and clothing is Yudu’s number one industry and on…

Recently, reporters visited various production workshops of textile and garment enterprises in Du Industrial Park, but they saw a busy scene everywhere. Textile and clothing is Yudu’s number one industry and one of the city’s “1+5+N” leading industries. From the previous “grassroots economy” such as cotton bombs and small workshops to the “100-billion cluster” with digital empowerment and intelligent manufacturing, Yudu’s textile and garment industry has achieved a “gorgeous turn” after about 10 years of cultivation and development. Its production scale ranks first among the four major textile and garment bases in the province.

Starting a “grassroots economy”

The textile industry in Yudu has a long history, and the people have a tradition of playing cotton and making tailors. Relying on the signature skills of “three hammers and three craftsmen”, Yudu people are famous for traveling all over the country. Among the “three hammers” is the cotton hammer. Since 2000, a group of Yudu masters who dared to seek breakthroughs, armed with the advanced technology and management experience learned in the coastal areas, have returned to their hometowns to start businesses. As a result, the textile and clothing industry has gradually become a phenomenon in Yudu.

“My parents made a living by making quilts in the 1980s and 1990s. At that time, they not only had to wander around, but their income could only maintain food and clothing.” Zhang, director of Jianye Garment Factory in Tantou Village, Zishan Town GB told reporters that in 1993, he opened a garment processing factory in Guangdong. In 2009, after seeing the sudden rise and huge potential of the textile and garment industry in his hometown, he moved the factory to his hometown and opened a small garment workshop at his doorstep. In 2021, he cooperated with Yudu Xingtu Digital Technology Co., Ltd. to turn the small workshop into a satellite factory demonstration plant.

Zhang Guobiao is just one representative of many people in Yudu who have returned to their hometowns to start businesses in textile and clothing business. Those who first tried it tasted the benefits, and neighbors and villagers followed one after another. For a time, Yudu Textile and Garment Factory “suddenly felt like a spring breeze came overnight, and thousands of pear trees bloomed.”

At the beginning of 2016, the Yudu County Party Committee and County Government seized the opportunity of the transfer of coastal industries to the inland, relying on the good development foundation and abundant labor resources of the local textile and garment industry to meet the needs of industrial poverty alleviation and EmploymentAt the same time as poverty alleviation needs, overall consideration should be given to solving the problems of “left-behind children”, “left-behind women” and “left-behind elderly people”, positioning the textile and clothing industry as the first industry in the county, and vigorously improving the level of “integration of industrialization and industrialization” in the industry. Promote the county’s textile and clothing industry to implementintelligent transformation and achieve highquality development.

To this end, the county has successively introduced 116 measures to reduce costs and improve the environment and the “Ten Clothing” policies, and passed the “Decision on Promoting the High-Quality Development of the County’s Textile and Garment No. 1 Industry” in the form of a resolution of the County People’s Congress. In the past few years, through continuous recruitment and large-scale projects, we have successively introduced Shenzhen Winner Clothing Co., Ltd., Huimei Group, WeiCotton Textile Technology Co., Ltd., and Xingtu Digital Technology Co., Ltd. Co., Ltd. and other leading enterprise projects have effectively promoted the county’s textile and garment industry to accelerate its expansion, transformation and upgrading, and brand influence and competitiveness have been continuously enhanced.

A single spark has started a prairie fire. As of the end of 2021, the number of textile and garment enterprises in Yudu County has grown to more than 3,000, and the industry-wide output value has exceeded 60 billion yuan. “China’s high-quality clothing manufacturing innovation demonstration base”, “China’s famous brand clothing manufacturing city”, “Top Ten Characteristics of the National Textile and Garment IndustryIndustrial Clusters“, “National Textile and Garment Foreign Trade Transformation and Upgrading Base” A series of “national” honors such as “Core Park of China Textile and Garment Industrial Park Alliance” have been added one after another.

Towards “Smart Manufacturing

Walking into the Yudu County Industrial Park, the reporter saw in the modern standardized factory building of Xingtu Digital Technology Co., Ltd. that advanced hanging systems and CNC cutting machine facilities are all available, and each machineSewing machines are equipped with intelligent equipment.

“This is the intelligent traceability system for textile and clothing production developed by our company. This system ‘can speak and think’, and implements visual inspection of the entire process from placing an order to completing settlement by the customer.” Liu Fenghu, general manager of the company, said, The company uses digital technology as a support to intelligently transform ordinary sewing machines and turn them into smart terminals. The modified sewing machine has four major functions: human-computer interaction, production control, grade assessment and quality monitoring. For example, facial recognition technology is added to the sewing machine to bind the identity of the operator to the machine and clock in on the machine to reduce human errors in management; real-time technical analysis of the operator’s sewing quality can promptly detect human-induced defects. Work errors can effectively improve accuracy, reduce loss rate, reduce defective product rate, reduce rework rate, reduce quality inspection costs, etc.

“After developing into a satellite factory, our output and quality have increased than before, and the supply of goods has become more stable. Of course, the efficiency of the factory has also been better, and a lot of labor has been hired nearby.” Zuo Zuoshan, Zishan Town Guo Guanzai, the person in charge of Qi Garment Factory, said that since taking advantage of the “central factory + satellite factory”, the factory’s profits have continued to increase, management has been continuously optimized, and the company’s development has become smoother.

The “central factory + satellite factory” of Xingtu Digital Technology Co., Ltd.After the “1+N” model came into being, satellite factories were opened at the doorsteps of villagers, turning villagers into office workers. Currently, according to this model, nearly 3,000 textile and garment small and micro enterprises in the county are being cultivated into Specialized and refined satellite factories form a complementary ecological chain between the central factory and satellite factories, building a domestic single-category processing scale advantage.

Collect height and body shape data through intelligent software, develop and design products according to customer needs, and implement fully intelligent assembly line manufacturing… In Winner Fashion (Ganzhou) Co., Ltd., a set of design and production processes are created by a full intelligent system. Make online private customization of high-end clothing a reality. 500,000 pieces, 600,000 pieces, 700,000 pieces… At Jiangxi Pulse Intelligent Manufacturing Fashion Industry Development Co., Ltd., staff are checking the national real-time sales through the cloud chain. The company implements smart manufacturing and promotes a new retail model that integrates online and offline, significantly improving production efficiency and product quality.

In recent years, Yudu has seized strategic opportunities, established the “Internet +” concept, actively introduced and cultivated leading garment manufacturing enterprises with high technical content, and promoted the transformation and upgrading of existing enterprises; it persisted in keeping up with the cutting-edge and guided manufacturing enterprises to Intelligent upgrading will generate development momentum, improve production efficiency, enhance industrial strength, and promote the transformation and upgrading of the industrial economy; introduce relevant policies to guide and encourage enterprises to launch new machines and new technologies, and promote a group of enterprises to implement “Machine substitution” to improve production efficiency through technological transformation. As of now, more than 30% of textile and garment enterprises in the county have automatic or semi-automatic equipment.

Intelligent manufacturing brings about “rebirth from the ashes”. Especially since 2016, the government has built a nest to attract talents, leading enterprises and intelligent manufacturing projects have followed one after another, and the industrial chain has been continuously completed, promoting the accelerated rise of the Yudu textile and clothing industry cluster.

Advancing into the “100 Billion Cluster”

Nowadays, textile and clothing companies can be seen everywhere in the capital and countryside. “Smart manufacturing” and “private customization” have become high-frequency words in people’s conversations. “To buy clothes, go to the capital!” The good reputation has spread throughout the province and beyond.

From scratch to something, from something to excellence, from weakness to strength, from niche to cluster, behind the “gorgeous turn” of Yudu’s textile and garment industry, the light of “wisdom” always shines.

“Yudu closely adheres to the important link of high-quality manufacturing, collaborates with mid-range brands to create a digital and flexible supply chain, and builds a high-quality industrial supporting system and a new industrial ecology. It not only redefines high-quality manufacturing in the digital economy era , promotes the coordinated development of manufacturing brands and regional brands, and also brings more possibilities and space for industry channel innovation and business model innovation.” On May 10 last year, the 2021 China Apparel Forum High-end Manufacturing and Design Collaborative Innovation Summit was held in Held in both cities, Chen Dapeng, president of the China National Garment Association, fully affirmed the development and potential of the textile and apparel industry in the city.

“What I see are the clothing companies across the country, not on the way to Yudu, but on the way back from Yudu. If you don’t come to Yudu, you feel something is missing. I think this is the emergence of the clothing industry.’ Yudu phenomenon’.” said Fang Jianhua, chairman of Huimei Group and founder of Inman brand.

“As an emerging county in the domestic textile and garment industry, Yudu hopes to stand at a higher starting point.” Huang Fa, Secretary of the Yudu County Party Committee, said that according to the plan, Yudu will strive to achieve the goal of “textile development” by the end of the “14th Five-Year Plan” period. The garment industry has 260 designated enterprises and the annual output value of the entire industry chain reaches 100 billion yuan.” In the next few years, Yudu will take the lead in fashion design research and development, based on the modern manufacturing system of “integration of informatization and informatization”, and led by manufacturing brands with sustainable innovation and development capabilities, to build the country’s “best technology, lowest cost, fastest speed” “The fastest and shortest distance” advanced garment manufacturing base, create a “100 billion cluster”, and strive to stand up the backbone of Ganzhou’s textile and garment industry belt in the core area of ​​​​the capital.


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Author: clsrich

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