Composite Fabric,bonded fabric,Lamination Fabric Composite Fabric Technology Chenji Town, Yizheng: A spinning thread “pulled” information on composite fabrics from an industrial cluster worth 6 billion yuan

Chenji Town, Yizheng: A spinning thread “pulled” information on composite fabrics from an industrial cluster worth 6 billion yuan

A long and soft silk thread, one end is connected to the wanderer’s passionate heart to return to his hometown, and the other end is connected to the dream of revitalizing rural industries. The first textile co…

A long and soft silk thread, one end is connected to the wanderer’s passionate heart to return to his hometown, and the other end is connected to the dream of revitalizing rural industries. The first textile company in Chenji Town, Yizheng City, Yangzhou was put into operation the year before last. Last year, 11 textile companies were put into production and trial production one after another. Four textile projects are about to start substantial construction this year. In just two or three years, how did a modern textile town rise so quickly? “The strong pro-business ‘magnetic field’ brings prosperity to the industry.” Guo Wei, secretary of the Chenji Town Party Committee, said that a 6 billion yuan high-end textileindustrial cluster is being nurtured in this “Top Thousand Towns in the Country” .

One person attracts an industry

When mentioning the rise of Chenji’s textile industry, everyone invariably thought of a native of his hometown—Liu Bengao.

In his early years, Liu Bengao, like most young people in Chen Ji, went out to work. He worked as a printing and dyeing craftsman in Yangzhou and as the production manager of a plush company in Haining. In 2007, he founded Kangfeng Textile Co., Ltd. in Changshu. With the experience accumulated over the years, the company has developed prosperously.

During the Spring Festival of 2018, Chen Ji extended an invitation to the talented people from other places to return to their hometowns to start businesses. After ten years of entrepreneurial accumulation, Liu Bengao was trying to expand the scale of production. In May of that year, he returned to his hometown for inspection, and the project was signed and settled. The government provided support in terms of policies, funds, land, and technology.

In January 2020, Kangnuo Textile, which Liu Bengao invested 120 million yuan in, was successfully put into production. It mainly produces textile fabrics, with an annual output of about 8,000 tons, and an output value of 150 million yuan that year.

From the time an enterprise registers and settles to construction and production, the government arranges special personnel to help with various procedures and licenses, and assigns special work teams to provide “one-stop” services such as factory construction, equipment installation, and employee recruitment.

Liu Bengao’s partner, raw silk material supplier Zou Haihong, was very fond of Chenji’s business environment and established Yangzhou Tianhong YihuaNew Materials in Chenji. TECHNOLOGY LIMITED.

Attracting enterprises with enterprises, attracting investment with business, texturing, warping, weaving, printing and dyeing, and finishing, the industrial chain is continuously lengthened and improved, forming an agglomeration effect. Up to now, 16 upstream and downstream enterprises in the textile industry have settled in Chenji Town Textile Park.

On the basis of the 260 acres in the first phase, the second phase of the textile park plans to cover 140 acres, attracting 4 high-end enterprises with higher degree of intelligentization and greater value-added products. The textile project has been settled and construction will start substantially within the year, and the park’s average benefit per mu is expected to double.

“After the two-phase project is completed and reaches production, annual invoice sales will reach 4 billion yuan.” Guo Wei revealed that the third-phase project is being followed up and negotiated, and 9 textile companies have initially reached investment intentions.

One building warms a group of entrepreneurs

Diagonally opposite the Chenji Town Government Office Building, there is a three-story small building. The enterprise service project agency window and the textile enterprise trade settlement center have been settled. The upper floor is also equipped with supporting facilities such as conferences, accommodation, catering, and fitness. Some people say It is called the “entrepreneur nanny building”.

As long as enterprises that have settled in Chenji have needs, just call or WeChat, and project agents will come to your door as soon as possible, from the early stage of enterprise registration, project establishment, to construction procedures, real estate certificate processing, and after putting into operationTalent recruitment, project application, etc., providing “nanny-style” full-service services.

Zou Haihong, who is responsible for the operation and management of the building, is an “Investment Ambassador” at the Yangzhou City and Yizheng City levels, and is also a special “Investment Attraction Specialist” hired by Chenji. He said: “For a building with such a good location, the government will waive rent. , we must make good use of this platform carrier to serve enterprises and entrepreneurs well.”

In order to facilitate the settlement of trade transactions of textile enterprises, the building provides a service settlement platform; in response to corporate financing problems, the building introduces Changshu Rural Commercial Bank to open outlets; foreign entrepreneurs conduct inspections and surveys, and the building provides negotiation, exchange, and accommodation services…

“If you need it, I’ll do it.” One building warmed a group of entrepreneurs and became the “signature” of Chenji’s business environment.

As early as more than 10 years ago, all members of the Chenji Party Committee and Government team used personal loans to help enterprises in the jurisdiction solve capital turnover problems. Chenji’s good tradition of being pro-business and ensuring business stability has accumulated into the “strong magnetic field” effect of industrial agglomeration.

In recent years, Chenji has introduced 11 enterprise-friendly policies to support enterprise reform, development and transformation and upgrading, and the Ji Town Industrial Zone has expanded from the north to the east. “We are accelerating the formation of a cluster echelon of electronics and electrical products with annual invoicing sales of 1 billion yuan, RVs and mechanical equipment with 1.5 billion yuan, new materials with 1.5 billion yuan, and high-end textile industries with annual invoice sales of 6 billion yuan, and strive to achieve industrial invoicing in the town as soon as possible. The ‘135’ economic development goals are 10 billion yuan in sales, 300 million yuan in tax revenue, and 5 billion yuan in GDP.” Guo Wei said.

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Author: clsrich
