Composite Fabric,bonded fabric,Lamination Fabric Composite Fabric Technology Fenggang County, Guizhou Province holds sericulture industry development promotion conference composite fabric information

Fenggang County, Guizhou Province holds sericulture industry development promotion conference composite fabric information

On March 26, Fenggang County, Guizhou Province held a sericulture industry development promotion meeting. Zhou Zongqin, Chairman of the County CPPCC, Chen Qingsong, Member of the Standing Committee of the Count…

On March 26, Fenggang County, Guizhou Province held a sericulture industry development promotion meeting. Zhou Zongqin, Chairman of the County CPPCC, Chen Qingsong, Member of the Standing Committee of the County Committee and Executive Deputy County Magistrate, Hou Xingqiang, Deputy Director of the Standing Committee of the County People’s Congress, and Xie Zhilu, Vice Chairman of the County CPPCC attended the meeting.

Before the meeting, the participants came to the sericulture base of mulberry farmers Liu Zhenggui, Huang Yong, and Wang Chaobo in Daxing Village, Yachuan Town, and visited the mulberry garden management situation. At the same time, technical personnel from the County Sericulture Office conducted on-site training on mulberry orchard management.

At the meeting, Hou Xingqiang read out the instructions on the sericulture industry from Wang Jisong, deputy mayor of the municipal government and secretary of the Fenggang County Party Committee; Xie Zhilu reported on the rectification work of sericulture management in Fengyan Town; the County Sericulture Office notified the inspection of the sericulture industry in Fenggang County situation and make work arrangements. At the same time, Yachuan Town made speeches on experience exchanges on mulberry garden management, Xinjian Town and Wangzhai Town made statements, and Fengyan Town made speeches on how to rectify supervision issues.

Zhou Zongqin pointed out that with the joint efforts of cadres and workers, the county’s sericulture base has made strong progress, and the base construction has embarked on a large-scale, standardized and standardized development. The sericulture is growing well, and sericulture planting has achieved full coverage of the town (street). , the masses’ enthusiasm for planting mulberry and raising silkworms has been enhanced, and planting mulberry and raising silkworms has become another way to increase income and become rich in Fenggang.

Zhou Zongqin requested that all towns (streets) should be problem-oriented, attach great importance to the construction of sericulture bases, improve scientific and technological support, and improve base management. It is necessary to take seriously the situation that individual cadres do not pay enough attention to the sericulture industry, wait and see its development, and have fluctuations in their thoughts. It is necessary to be benefit-oriented, fully understand who development is for and who to rely on, actively help the masses solve their difficulties, truly manage the current mulberry orchard management, carry out technical training for sericulture farmers, and guide the masses to do a good job in disinfection and sterilization of breeding bases. work to be fully prepared for spring sericulture. It is necessary to be result-oriented, pay attention to rewards and punishments, assessments, and performance, use industrial development benefits to demonstrate the work achievements of cadres, and use the completion of goals as the basis for evaluating cadres first. We must be purpose-oriented and follow the instructions of Wang Jisong, deputy mayor of the municipal government and secretary of the county party committee, to communicate the work well. It is necessary to strengthen the responsibility of top leaders, implement guarantee responsibilities, and consolidate work responsibilities. Relevant departments must coordinate and cooperate. The county Agriculture and Rural Affairs Bureau, Forestry Bureau, Natural Resources Bureau and other departments must increase technical support and work guidance to jointly solve problems and ensure the smooth advancement of the county’s sericulture industry.

When presiding over the meeting, Chen Qingsong requested that the responsibilities of top leaders, responsible persons, industry supervision, technical guidance and “3+1” guarantee responsibilities should be consolidated, and bud thinning, fertilization, insect control and drainage, pruning and maintenance of mulberry fields should be strengthened. Sericulture is preparing for “4+1” precise management, strict accountability, timely accountability, rectification of cadres’ inaction and slowness in industrial development, and ensuring the steady development of the sericulture industry. At the same time, Chen Qingsong also made arrangements for the current flue-cured tobacco production, land remediation, production safety, crackdown on illegal activities and other work.

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Author: clsrich

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