Composite Fabric,bonded fabric,Lamination Fabric Composite Fabric Technology Wujiang: Closely linked to canals, river villages, and silk elements to forge a new brand of Jiangnan culture Composite fabric information

Wujiang: Closely linked to canals, river villages, and silk elements to forge a new brand of Jiangnan culture Composite fabric information

To promote the high-quality development of the cultural industry, “strengthening the province” must “strengthen the district”. Counties are an important driver of innovation demonstratio…

To promote the high-quality development of the cultural industry, “strengthening the province” must “strengthen the district”. Counties are an important driver of innovation demonstrations and energy level leaps, and are also key areas for shaping core advantages and stimulating vitality potential.

In the new stage of development, Wujiang District, Suzhou City has anchored the goal of building a “Jiangnan Culture” brand and fully promoted the implementation of the cultural industry doubling plan. “Culture +” integrated development is in the ascendant, industrial digitalization has made strong breakthroughs, and market entities continue to enrich and grow… Wujiang has become an important regional force in promoting the competitiveness of Jiangsu’s cultural industry with the trend of transformation and upgrading. In 2021, Wujiang has a total of 87 cultural industry enterprises above regulation, achieving operating income of 38.173 billion yuan. Among them, there is 1 enterprise worth over 10 billion yuan, 3 companies worth over 1 billion yuan, and 26 companies worth over 100 million yuan.

Strengthening driving force: building comprehensive policy and financial support

Shangjiukai’s “Research and Application Demonstration of Key Technologies in Functional Song Brocade Design” was selected into the national culture and tourism Technological Innovation project reserve list, becoming the only one in the country There are four textile intangible cultural heritage projects. As a technological and cultural enterprise of Wujiang Shengzesilk products, Shangjiukai inherits the classic techniques of Song brocade and designs and develops products that meet the current aesthetic and functional needs In terms of new products, it has made outstanding explorations, which has effectively boosted the contemporary influence and world recognition of “Jiangnan Silk”.

For cultural enterprises to thrive, they need to hone their “internal strength”, and they also need to “cultivate” policy soil and “invest” in capital power. Wu Jianhua, chairman of Suzhou Shangjiukai Silk Technology and Culture Co., Ltd., told reporters that in recent years, the local government has provided strong policy support for the cultural industry. The government bears half of the costs of participating in various exhibitions every year; in cultural and creative industriesIn terms of talent introduction and the construction of the Songjin Cultural Center, the Wujiang District Government provides nanny services; “Shangjiukai” has not only represented Suzhou Silk Culture Enterprises in the Shanghai International Import Expo for three consecutive years, but has also participated in the Shanghai International Import Expo many times. Participated in “One ​​Belt, One Road” cultural exhibitions in France, Denmark and other countries. Wu Jianhua also won the honorary certificate of the first batch of “Zijin Cultural Creative Talents” in the province.

In order to provide the cultural industry with strong resource support and a good policy environment, last year Wujiang held a conference to promote the high-quality development of the region’s cultural industry and the creation of a national all-region tourism demonstration zone, and formulated and issued a three-year action plan for the high-quality development of the cultural industry, revised and improved it The policy supports the high-quality development of the cultural, sports and tourism industry and provides 22.42 million yuan in special financial support to 79 cultural, sports and tourism industry projects. At the same time, we will strengthen the nourishment of financial capital and set up a cultural industry investment fund with an initial scale of 500 million yuan. It will focus on developing film and television IP + offline and online integrated experience innovative products to create a model sample of Jiangnan’s new cultural space; and serve as a demonstration for Lili International Ecological Cultural Tourism. The project has sought provincial special bond funds of 620 million yuan, of which 210 million yuan has been released, greatly improving the infrastructure construction of the cultural tourism industry in Lili Ancient Town.

Improve visibility: create unique brand IP

In Jiangsu, a territory with profound historical heritage and rich cultural resources, in order to enhance the visibility of cultural industries and forge core competitiveness, it is necessary to cultivate characteristic DNA and follow the path of brand development.

Deeply explore the unique local resources and historical context, dynamically inherit and make good use of historical and cultural heritage and intangible cultural brands, Wujiang closely adheres to Jiangnan cultural elements such as “canals”, “river villages” and “silk”, and actively creates Wujiang’s unique With the unique IP and cultural symbols of the imprint, the characteristic development of the cultural industry has taken a firm step.

Promoting the gorgeous transformation of traditional textiles into fashion, creativity and design, Wujiang is committed to the wonderful “double-sided embroidery” of tradition and modernity and creating a benchmark for silk culture. Last year, Wujiang silk industry was awarded the “World Intellectual Property Organization Excellent Case Demonstration Site for Copyright Protection” by the National Copyright Administration and the WorldIntellectual Property Organization; “As the theme of the exhibition, 6 silk culture companies settled in Suzuo Pavilion, with the most corporate products and corporate counters selected in various sections in Suzhou.

To promote the ingenious and in-depth integration of culture and tourism, “Jiangcun” is a characteristic brand created by Wujiang. With the signing of a boutique hotel project covering an area of ​​17 acres, Xiejia Road, Zhenze Town, Wujiang has completed a closed loop of high-quality “food, accommodation, travel, shopping and entertainment”. This small village hidden in a thousand acres of mulberry forest is becoming a “check-in” for rural leisure tourism in the Yangtze River Delta. Eight kilometers north of Xiejia Road is Kaixiangong Village, a sample of the “Jiangcun Economy”.

As one of the first batch of Jiangsu Province cultural and tourism industry integrated development demonstration zone construction units, Wujiang has ingeniously explored and given “Jiangcun” new connotations of “Jiangnan charm”, “small town flavor” and “modern style”. Under this path, Xiejia Road, Zhonganqiao Village, Zhenze Town, and Miaotou Village, Pingwang Town, were successfully awarded the provincial key rural tourism villages.

Writing a good article on “water” integrating culture and tourism, Wu Jiang’s writing style is full of gestures. The Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal, the “moving Great Wall”, has also continued its glory for thousands of years in Wujiang. The Wujiang section of the Grand Canal is about 58 kilometers long, accounting for more than half of the Suzhou Canal. In order to polish the characteristic business card of the canal, Wujiang has accelerated the construction of the Grand Canal Cultural Belt in recent years, clearlyConfirm the target positioning of “a canal ecological and cultural scenic belt that gathers the essence of Jiangnan” and the spatial structure of “one belt, two axes, four cores and multiple points”. Focusing on creating the “Pingwang·Four Rivers Convergence” of Suzhou’s “Ten Canal Scenes”, Wujiang is meticulously crafted with “embroidery” skills and is committed to realizing the coexistence and co-prosperity of water, banks, cities, villages and people, comprehensively demonstrating ” The “New Land of Fish and Rice” and “New Jiangnan Space” features provide a wonderful example for Suzhou to launch the “Jiangnan Culture” brand. The construction of the “Pingwang·Four Rivers Gathering” project has entered an intensive construction period, and a number of landmark results have been presented one after another; the Pingwang Canal Cultural Tourism Scenic Area has been included in the list of national 4A-level scenic spots to be created in 2022.

Stimulating new potential energy: Digital agglomeration is gaining momentum

Standing at the forefront of the times, Jiangsu is improving the specifications of the cultural industry and opening up a vast space for modern and sustainable development through the implementation of digital leadership, park energy level improvement, cultural tourism consumption improvement and other projects.

To enrich the cultural industry’s “digital wings”, Wujiang is following the trend. BOE Art Cloud Industrial Base and Digital Art Museum, with a total investment of 1 billion yuan, have settled in Wujiang. BOE Yiyun is the world’s first pioneer in the field of digital art display. This layout will use the Digital Art Display International Standard Industry Alliance Collaborative Innovation Center as a link to create a regionally influential digital cultural industry development cluster.

Himalaya’s “Yunpu Shiguang” maker space was settled in Pingwang, the “Jiangsu Province Radio, Television and Internet Audiovisual Industry Base” was awarded Lili, and the Wujiang Pavilion of the 10th Suzhou Innovation Expo launched a digital RMB consumption experience scene for the first time… …Digitalization is bursting out at multiple points, becoming a new potential for the development of Wujiang’s cultural industry.

To improve the energy level of the park and promote the development of industrial agglomeration, Wujiang insists on mutual promotion of carriers and projects. At present, Wujiang has one national-level cultural industry demonstration base and three provincial-level cultural industry demonstration parks. According to the three-year action plan for the high-quality development of the cultural industry, Wujiang will actively support the establishment of national and provincial industrial parks, and plans to add one cultural industry demonstration park every year, giving full play to the important carrier role of the park in incubating small and micro cultural enterprises and providing innovative and entrepreneurial services. , build a new cultural business development platform and create a cultural innovation and entrepreneurship cluster.

High-quality projects are the direct driving force for industrial development and kinetic energy conversion. To give industrial heritage a new lease of life, the Shengze “SERES” cultural tourism industrial park with a total investment of 98 million yuan was officially signed. This project focuses on the industrial site of Tanqiu Silk Reeling Factory, aiming at consumable, experiential, and industrial goals. Through renovation, upgrading, and reshaping, it builds a cultural exhibition area, immersive commercial and industrial office area, living supporting area, and themed area. Four functional areas, including public landscape areas, build a new cultural tourism development platform and become a wonderful footnote for the accelerated implementation of the “cluster” of Wujiang’s cultural industry projects.

According to Sun Junliang, deputy head of Wujiang District, the construction of Wujiang cultural industry projects in 2021 is remarkable: “Sunac Taoyuan International Ecological Cultural Tourism Resort” and other 5 projects were selected as provincial key cultural tourism industry projects, ranking first in terms of quantity Ranking first in all sectors in Suzhou; 6 projects including “BOE Yiyun Digital Cultural Industry Base” were selected as Suzhou’s key cultural industry projects; a total of 32 district-level annual key cultural, sports and tourism construction projects have been identified, with a total investment of 46.18 billion yuan, which have been completed in the year Investment of 6.835 billion yuan; Accelerating the implementation of contracted projects, 15 projects have started construction among the 26 municipal and district-level cultural industry high-quality development conferences, including Ali Sports Suzhou Center and “Pingwang Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Convention Center” Phase I The project has been completed and opened for business, and projects such as Sunac Taoyuan International Ecological Cultural Tourism Resort are advancing in an orderly manner, injecting strong energy into the clustered development of Wujiang’s cultural tourism industry.

Exploring the new path of “culture + tourism”, Wujiang urges cultural tourism consumption to expand, improve quality and efficiency. Tongli Ancient Town was selected into the second batch of provincial-level nighttime cultural tourism consumption cluster construction units, and Shengjiashe was selected into the second batch of Suzhou nighttime cultural tourism consumption clusters; “Parallel Journey by the Grand Canal – 2021 Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Convention Project” was selected A new scene of cultural tourism consumption in Jiangsu; Suzhou Bay Grand Theater launched 152 performances of various types throughout the year, held a total of 43 open days and other various activities, and received a total of nearly 94,000 tourists and audiences.


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Author: clsrich