Composite Fabric,bonded fabric,Lamination Fabric Lamination Fabric News The opening is the peak. What exactly does such a price increase bring to textile people?

The opening is the peak. What exactly does such a price increase bring to textile people?

The price went up overnight, and PTA’s move really caught people off guard. Although I heard that PTA was also forced to turn around and reach a historical high due to the instant shortage caused by Asian…

The price went up overnight, and PTA’s move really caught people off guard. Although I heard that PTA was also forced to turn around and reach a historical high due to the instant shortage caused by Asian px exports, the pain is still the various manufacturers under PTA… …The price of polyester filament dropped just a little bit, but in the blink of an eye it was lifted by 100-400 yuan/ton! While the fluctuations upstream are staggering, the downstream is even better like continuous rain…

Polyester prices are taking off again!

5.12 Tongkun polyester filament POY increased by 200 yuan/ton 5.12 Tiansheng polyester filament price increased by 200 yuan/ton 5.12 Tongxiang Xinfengming polyester filament price increased by 200 yuan/ton 5.12 Xiaoshan Kaishi polyester filament price increased by 300- 400 yuan/ton 5.12 Shaoxing Ruili polyester filament quotation increased by 200-350 yuan/ton… One moment you were talking about the discount on the price of polyester yarn, but the next second the reality will hit you. A big lesson. No one can handle the operation of falling by 100 and rising by 300 at once. Just after May Day, due to the post-holiday replenishment atmosphere, polyester production and sales surged to 200%, and then plummeted. In the past two days, they were around 40%. It was already difficult enough, and polyester manufacturers have also reduced production and suspension than before. There are more. If it were normal in the past, if you raised the price, there would still be people downstream who could stock up. But now the demand has been far behind by the price of raw materials.
The epidemic has seriously dragged down the entire market. Even if the wave of “camping” that emerged in the first half of this year has made tent fabrics stand out, this cannot be a long-term solution. The overall demand cannot rely on people’s desperate entertainment. But when it rebounded, the market did not become hot as costs rose, and orders became few and far between. The seemingly unreasonable cost increase really makes people feel hot.

As of May 12, polyester filament FDY 150D was quoted at 8,900 yuan/ton, POY 150D was quoted at 8,090 yuan/ton, and DTY 150D was quoted at 9,600 yuan/ton. Compared with last month, the price of each product has increased by nearly 600 yuan/ton. Mainly due to the uncertainty of international oil prices, but judging from the current situation, even if oil prices occasionally fluctuate and decline for a period of time, they will still remain at a high level, and will rise sharply from time to time, stimulating the industrial chain to immediately follow the rise. price.

Downstream orders, none?

Crude oil rebounded strongly on the night of May 11, and PTA rushed towards the 7,000 mark non-stop, setting the highest level since 2019. The violent fluctuations in the upstream directly affect the price of polyester yarn and the profit of polyester yarn, and even more affect the downstream of Kuhaha.

It can be said that life is already very difficult due to high costs and poor demand. Add to this the epidemic, which has led to poor logistics, regional control and other force majeure, and orders have become even more sporadic. Many weaving companies are not unwilling to produce, but they are either unable to produce or even if they produce products that are sold at a high price, they may not be able to maintain their capital, so they have no choice but to reduce their operating rate. According to statistics from, affected by the May Day holiday last week, some factories even stayed open for a few more days than in previous years due to the recession. As a result, the operating rate of weaving enterprises was around 67%, which was slightly lower than before.

But are there really no orders at all? The answer is definitely no. Nowadays, the epidemic in Jiangsu and Zhejiang is being effectively controlled, and logistics is much smoother than before. When the editor visited the market, he saw that there were obviously many more vehicles in the commercial area than before. People driving battery carts carrying cloth samples were shuttled through the market. Among them, some gray fabrics gradually began to pile up at the entrance of the store department… Although the profits may have been squeezed pitifully, something is always better than nothing.

Perhaps the bleakness of the peak season is a major pain for textile people, but after surviving this strange period of time, I believe that there will be days when textile people will gradually recover!


This article is from the Internet, does not represent Composite Fabric,bonded Fabric,Lamination Fabric position, reproduced please specify the source.

Author: clsrich

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