According to Thailand’s “World Journal”, the Bangkok police raided the illegal underground factory, arrested 30 workers, and seized 500 counterfeit Kipling leather bags and 50 sewing machines with a total value of 5 million baht. The factory specializes in manufacturing counterfeit brand-name leather bags for delivery. Sell to Pratunam Market.
The police recently received a report from the public that there is an underground factory at No. 89/1, Lane 20, Patnagan Road, specializing in the production of counterfeit brand-name leather bags. The police then applied to the court for search warrant No. 232/2525, and dispatched police officers yesterday Rushed to check.
The factory is actually a residential building with walls, iron gates and surveillance cameras. After the police arrived, they rushed into the factory with lightning speed. They arrested 30 workers who could not escape before they could escape, and seized 500 counterfeit Kipling brand leather bags and 50 sewing machines, with a total estimated value of 5 million baht.
Workers secretly confessed that when the factory was first established, it produced legitimate leather bags, but due to the poor economy, there were fewer and fewer orders. In order to keep the workers’ jobs, the factory began to produce counterfeit designer bags. Currently, about 100 pieces can be produced a day and sold to vendors in Pratunam Market at a wholesale price of 200-300 baht. The actual selling price of this type of brand-name leather bag is 2,000-3,000 baht. The low price of counterfeit products attracts many who are cash-strapped but want to pursue it. Fashionable people buy.
The police stated that the factory’s actions have violated the law and are suspected of infringing on intellectual property and trademark rights. The police have now sealed the factory and will pursue legal responsibility later. According to the law, those who illegally manufacture counterfeit famous brands can be sentenced to four years in prison and fined 400,000 baht.