Composite Fabric,bonded fabric,Lamination Fabric Lamination Fabric News Sales of this clothing decreased by .% year-on-year

Sales of this clothing decreased by .% year-on-year

According to the latest statistics from the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry of Japan, the sales volume of clothing in Japan’s large department stores and supermarkets from January to March 2009 wa…

According to the latest statistics from the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry of Japan, the sales volume of clothing in Japan’s large department stores and supermarkets from January to March 2009 was 1,346.6 billion yen, a year-on-year decrease of 13.9%.

Among them, sales in March were 453.2 billion yen, a year-on-year decrease of 15.6%, a decrease higher than the previous two months (a decrease of 11.8% in January and a decrease of 15% in February).

See the table below for specific statistics:

Statistical amount of clothing sales in large department stores and supermarkets in Japan in March 2009 Unit: 100 million yen

  3Monthly sales YoY%
Total clothing 4532 -15.6
Men’s clothing 674 -15
Women’s and children’s clothing 2513 -15.2
Other clothing 288 -20.4
Clothing accessories 1057 -15.7
This article is from the Internet, does not represent Composite Fabric,bonded Fabric,Lamination Fabric position, reproduced please specify the source.

Author: clsrich

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