Composite Fabric,bonded fabric,Lamination Fabric Lamination Fabric News The German “Puma” lawsuit against a shopping mall for trademark infringement was heard in Hunan

The German “Puma” lawsuit against a shopping mall for trademark infringement was heard in Hunan

The German Rudolf Dassler Sporting Goods Poma Co., Ltd. (referred to as Poma) sued 12 shopping malls in Yongzhou and Shaoyang, Hunan for trademark infringement disputes. On November 12, the hearing was held in …

The German Rudolf Dassler Sporting Goods Poma Co., Ltd. (referred to as Poma) sued 12 shopping malls in Yongzhou and Shaoyang, Hunan for trademark infringement disputes. On November 12, the hearing was held in the Yongzhou Intermediate People’s Court. . Since the plaintiffs were all German “Puma”, the court consolidated the 12 cases for trial.

Since 1978, the plaintiff Puma Company has registered the “PUMA” trademark, the “Leopard Graphics” trademark, and the “PUMA and Leopard Graphics” trademarks in China. After market research in the first half of 2008, Boma Company believed that some products sold in 12 shopping malls in Yongzhou and Shaoyang used the above-mentioned trademarks, and the manufacturers or sellers of these products were not authorized to produce or sell them. Poma Company believed that the actions of the 12 shopping malls infringed on its exclusive trademark rights and sued, requesting an order for the defendants to stop the infringement and an order for each defendant to compensate RMB 50,000 in damages. The 12 businesses that became defendants are department stores and supermarket chains in Yongzhou and Shaoyang, including companies such as Red Sun, BBK, and Xindaxin.

After the case went to trial on November 12, Poma Company and the defendant finally agreed to mediate. Poma will conduct mediation with 12 shopping malls under the auspices of the court before November 24. It is understood that Boma has launched a series of rights protection lawsuits in Beijing, Wenzhou and other places in recent years.

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Author: clsrich

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