Composite Fabric,bonded fabric,Lamination Fabric Lamination Fabric News The “ice” and “fire” of the apparel industry in 2021​

The “ice” and “fire” of the apparel industry in 2021​

In the new consumption era, people’s consumption habits are being reshaped. Competition in local sportswear and underwear and other subdivision tracks will also become more intense. It’s getting mor…

In the new consumption era, people’s consumption habits are being reshaped.

Competition in local sportswear and underwear and other subdivision tracks will also become more intense. It’s getting more intense.

In 2021, which is full of opportunities and challenges, domestic sportswear brands are constantly rising, and subdivisions such as two-dimensional clothing and underwear are also experiencing huge growth. potential.

Affected by the epidemic in 2020, fast fashion clothing brands entered a cold winter, and they have not recovered until 2021. Especially after the Xinjiang cotton incident, there was a reshuffle in the industry: first, H&M closed over a hundred stores this year after being boycotted by the market, and then ZARA’s three sister brands (Bershka, Pull&Bear and Stradivariu) closed all stores in the Chinese market.

Although traditional fast fashion brands have suffered a “big defeat”, the clothing industry is still sunny. Euromonitor data shows that in 2019, the retail scale of China’s clothing market reached 2.19 trillion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 5.29%. According to the China Business Industry Research Institute, China’s clothing market will reach 2.4 trillion yuan in 2021.

In this trillion-level market, the “national trend” is rising, ice and snow sports are heating up, and local clothing brands are constantly “out of the circle”.

In 2021, Anta’s total market value surpassed Adidas and ranked second among global sportswear brands; Hongxing Erke donated 50 million in materials to aid the Henan floods, triggering netizens’ “wild consumption” “, and won the second place in the “China’s 500 Most Valuable Brands” (Sporting Goods) released by the World Brand Laboratory in 2021 with a brand value of 40.065 billion yuan, following Anta; Peak completed a round of strategic financing of nearly 1.5 billion… …

The explosion of domestic sportswear brands has also given rise to the rise of domestic apparel brands in other segments. In 2021, subdivided tracks such as underwear will also usher in a big explosion.

The three intimate apparel giants Ubras, Waiwai and Jiaonei began to explode around 2020. Among them, Ubras made it to the top of the list with sales of 1 billion. Ranked as the No. 1 underwear brand on Tmall in 2020. In 2021, these cutting-edge clothing brands will also be popular.

According to the digital brand list data, starting from January 1, 2021, in intimate clothing and niche culture, two niche categories favored by capital, On the sub-tracks, new and cutting-edge clothing brands have also appeared with explosive growth. Among them, the large-cup bra brand Toffee Pie has become a new and cutting-edge intimate clothing brand after the three giants Ubras, Waiwai and Jiao Nei.

Ubras, which received hundreds of millions in Series B+ financing at the end of 2020, received investment from IDG Capital at the beginning of last year, and firmly ranks first in underwear sales on the entire network. position; Jiao Nei completed US$70 million in financing in July last year, with a post-investment valuation of US$2 billion, and ranked among the top three in the domestic underwear industry; the intimate clothing brand “Gestalt” received a number of investments led by Xiaomi Technology Ten million US dollars in angel round financing.

In addition, in 2021, two-dimensional clothing brands and collection stores such as Twelve Light Years, Shisan Yu, and Mao Xingxing will also attract capital to continuously inject funds. “Second-dimensional” clothing has gradually moved from the niche market to the public eye.

With the expansion of niche clothing consumption, relevant practitioners are also launching more types of new products through cooperation with other fields. It also brings more new development ideas to emerging brands.

Take Shisanyu as an example. Public information shows that the company has launched games such as “Honor of Kings” and “Nishui Han” and the film and television drama “Qing Ping Le”. Co-branded Hanfu, and also reached a strategic cooperation with the West Lake Scenic Area to launch an offline experience store. Shisanyu has established online and offline expansion plans in terms of setting up a Hanfu experience theme museum and crossing borders with film, television, animation, games and other fields.

From traditional fast fashion to “national trend”, to the explosion of underwear, two-dimensional clothing and other subdivisions, it can be seen that people’s consumption in the new consumption era Habits are also being reshaped, and competition in the local sportswear and underwear subdivisions will become increasingly fierce in the future. If brands want to stay fresh for a long time, on the one hand, they must continue to strengthen product innovation and services; on the other hand, they must optimize the supply chain and have a say in the future apparel industry. But they still have a long way to go to do these two things well.


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Author: clsrich

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