Composite Fabric,bonded fabric,Lamination Fabric Lamination Fabric News Year-end review: Top ten news events in China’s textile and apparel industry in 2021

Year-end review: Top ten news events in China’s textile and apparel industry in 2021

In 2021, China’s textile and apparel industry will base itself on the “new pattern” to promote “dual circulation” and usher in an important year for inheriting the past and usherin…

In 2021, China’s textile and apparel industry will base itself on the “new pattern” to promote “dual circulation” and usher in an important year for inheriting the past and ushering in the future. The release of the “Textile Industry’s “14th Five-Year Plan” Development Outline”, holding industry exhibitions, discussing international textile cooperation, and achieving key technological breakthroughs…a series of hot events demonstrated the textile industry’s role in poverty alleviation, fighting the epidemic, scientific and technological innovation, and international cooperation. important achievements in such aspects.

Top Ten News Events


Textile people have a mission to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China

On July 1, 2021, we will celebrate the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China The annual meeting was held grandly in Tiananmen Square, Beijing. Textile elements were everywhere at the venue, and behind this were the silent contributions of many textile and apparel companies. They presented “technological, fashionable, green” textile products to the Party’s birthday.

During the flight celebration performance, the helicopter flag echelon escorted the bright red Chinese Communist Party flag forward into the wind. Following the party flag were four huge slogans. The solemn party flag and four slogans were produced by Beijing Bangwei Gaoke Special Textile Co., Ltd. When the honor guard appeared, people saw the resolute faces. The new honor guard protocol uniforms they wore were produced by Jiangsu Sunshine Group. The costumes of the main speaker, choral singers, chorus conductor and choir members, as well as related clothing accessories, shoes and hats, raincoats, etc. were all designed by a team of teachers and students from Beijing Institute of Fashion Technology. Thousands of members of the Communist Youth League and representatives of the Young Pioneers dressed in festive costumes jointly developed and produced by Dishang Group and Beijing Institute of Fashion Technology, praising the magnificent centenary journey of the Communist Party of China. Longfu Company teamed up with the research and development team of Zhu Meifang, an academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, to once again use 400,000 mineral water bottles to carefully produce 20,000 square meters of environmentally friendly carpets to beautify Tiananmen Square.

2021 is the first time that the “July 1st Medal” will be awarded. A total of 29 meritorious party members across the country have received this honor. Among the few 29 people, two people from the textile industry are on the list. They are Sister Ma Mao and Huang Baomei.

At the national “Two Priorities and One Priority” commendation conference, 4 people and 10 grassroots party organizations in the textile industry won the national “Two Priorities and One Priority” commendation. It shows the pioneering image of communists in the textile industry in the new era.


Poverty alleviation achieved comprehensive victory, 16 individuals and 4 people in the textile industry A group was commended

On February 25, 2021, the National Poverty Alleviation Summary and Commendation Conference was grandly held in the Great Hall of the People in Beijing. Xi Jinping solemnly declared that through the joint efforts of the entire Party and people of all ethnic groups, at the important moment of the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China, my country has achieved a comprehensive victory in the fight against poverty. Under the current standards, 98.99 million rural poor people have been lifted out of poverty, and 832 impoverished counties have been lifted out of poverty. All were removed, and all 128,000 impoverished villages were listed. The overall regional poverty was solved, the arduous task of eliminating absolute poverty was completed, and another human miracle that shines in the annals of history was created!

A total of 16 individuals and 4 groups in the textile industry were awarded “National Model for Poverty Alleviation”, “National Advanced Individual for Poverty Alleviation” and “National Advanced Group for Poverty Alleviation” Commendation. The textile industry is the “mother industry”. It not only creates a large number of jobs and provides generous salary income, but the development of the textile industry also directly benefits the “agriculture, rural areas and farmers” and prospers the economy. Alleviating the poor and rich farmers is an important manifestation of the textile industry’s role in people’s livelihood. . At present, the entire textile industry in the country employs more than 20 million people, most of whom are migrant laborers from rural areas. The textile industry provides 10 million jobs and hundreds of billions of cash income for rural migrant workers. It uses 9 million tons of domestic natural fibers such as cotton, hemp fiber, mulberry silk, wool and other raw materials every year, making great contributions to the development of rural areas, farmers and agriculture. important contribution.


China’s textile industry has embarked on a new journey. The Fourth Five-Year Development Outline was released

According to the “14th Five-Year Plan for National Economic and Social Development and the Outline of Long-term Goals for 2035”, around the new industry positioning to guide the textile industry to accelerate transformation and upgrading and achieve high-quality development of the entire industry chain. On June 11, 2021, the China Textile Industry Federation released the “Textile Industry “14th Five-Year Plan” Development Outline” and “Technology, Fashion, and Green Development” instructions”.

The “Outline and Guiding Opinions” clarify the positioning of the industry in the entire national economy during the “14th Five-Year Plan” period, that is: the pillar of national economic and social development industries, basic industries that solve people’s livelihood and beautify life, advantageous industries for international cooperation and integrated development; the long-term goal of the industry in 2035 is proposed, that is, when my country basically realizes a socialist modern country in 2035, my country’s textile industry will become the world’s textile technology leader The main driver, an important leader of global fashion, and a powerful promoter of sustainable development. Taking this as a guide, the “Outline and Guiding Opinions” gives the key directions for industry development in the future period, namely strengthening the strategic support capabilities of scientific and technological innovation; building a high-quality textile manufacturing system; smoothing the industrial chain cycle based on domestic demand; enhancing international to promote the development level and level of the industry; promote industry fashion development and brand building; promote social responsibility construction and sustainable development; optimize domestic layout to improve development coordination; and build a safe development system for the textile industry.


Amidst the epidemic, China Textile Federation actively explores the market, and the China Textile Federation ���Mr. Zheng Mintai, founder of Embry Group, donated 9 million yuan to Textile Light Technology Education Foundation. Mr. Zheng Mintai has donated a total of 11 million yuan to the Textile Light Foundation twice since 2010 and 2014. At present, his donation to the “Textile Light Science and Technology Education Foundation Zheng Mintai Special Fund” has reached a total of 20 million yuan.


Actively participating in the aerospace industry, China Textile and astronauts once again “searched for Dream Sky”

On January 20, 2021, my country used the Long March 3B carrier rocket at the Xichang Satellite Launch Center to successfully launch the Tiantong-103 satellite Launched into space. The high-precision metal mesh reflective surface technology developed by the high-performance fiber special weaving team of Donghua University School of Textile is one of the key technologies of the entire satellite system and meets the requirements of the satellite mission.

On May 15, 2021, the Tianwen-1 probe successfully landed in the pre-selected landing area in the southern Utopia Plain of Mars. my country’s first Mars exploration mission landed on Mars and achieved success. success. The “Mars Landing Rover High Temperature Resistant Elastic Sealing Device” developed by a team led by Professor Xu Weilin of Wuhan Textile University provides guarantee for the attitude adjustment during the “Devil’s 9 Minutes” of the landing process, and deeply assisted the Tianwen-1 probe to successfully land on Mars. Qingdao Haliya provides parachute connection technology and special elastic rope equipment for Tianwen-1, which are used for impact-resistant applications of the lander. These two technologies provided by Haliya are the core of the probe’s safe landing after entering Mars. link.

On June 17, 2021, the Shenzhou 12 manned spacecraft sent three astronauts Nie Haisheng, Liu Boming, and Tang Hongbo into space. They became the space station astronauts. and the first “occupants” of the core cabin. A series of special clothing that protects astronauts throughout their work and life in space and on the ground, as well as in-cabin shoes for astronauts on space station missions, all come from years of innovation and hard work by the R&D and design team of Donghua University. Donghua University’s astronaut clothing R&D and design team has designed a series of special clothing to ensure the entire process of astronauts’ work and life in space and on the ground, including work clothes, exercise clothes, casual clothes, weightless protective clothing, and sleeping clothes for astronauts working and living on the space station. There are also various types of ground mission clothing such as regular clothing, mission training clothing, and special clothing. These special clothing must not only ensure the realization of multiple special functions, but also incorporate Chinese characteristic design elements to become the “space splendor” of astronauts’ debut in the world. Clothes”.


Textile technology has been continuously recognized at the national level. Professor Xu Weilin of Wuhan Textile University Elected as an academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering

On November 19, 2021, the Chinese Academy of Engineering announced the list of new academicians for 2021. In the 2021 additional election of academicians of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, a total of 84 academicians and 20 foreign academicians of the Chinese Academy of Engineering were elected. Xu Weilin, a professor at Wuhan Textile University, was elected as an academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering. In recent years, Yu Jianyong, Chen Wenxing, and Zhu Meifang in the textile industry have been elected as academicians of the two academies. The election of Xu Weilin this time is also the recognition of textile technology at the national scientific and technological level, which reflects the increasing influence of the first-level discipline of textile science and engineering at the national level.

Xu Weilin’s scientific research life has always been rooted in textiles. He has long been engaged in research in the field of advanced spinning technology and textiles, focusing on ultra-high count yarns, soft and clean yarns, and special It has carried out technological innovation and industrialization in terms of yarn, yarn differentiation, yarn and product testing, etc., and achieved outstanding results; hosted and participated in national key R&D plans, national science and technology support plans, 973 National High-tech Basic Research, and National Natural Science Foundation of China. There are more than 30 scientific research projects including science funds. He has published more than 150 SCI papers at home and abroad, and has authorized more than 70 invention patents in China and the United States. He has won 1 first-class National Science and Technology Progress Award, 1 second-class National Technological Invention Award, and 3 first-class provincial and ministerial awards. He was awarded the China Youth Science and Technology Award, the Hubei Provincial Science and Technology Outstanding Contribution Award, the first American Fiber Association Outstanding Achievement Award in mainland China, the Ho Leung Ho Lee Foundation Science and Technology Innovation Award, the China Textile Academic Award, and the first Mulberry and Hemp Scholar.


Implementing the “double carbon” goal, China’s textile and apparel industry is taking action

China strives to achieve carbon peak before 2030 and achieve carbon neutrality before 2060. This major strategic decision will promote the comprehensive green and low-carbon transformation of the textile industry. and consolidating the construction of a sustainable textile power has pointed out the direction.

On June 1, 2021, the China Textile and Apparel Industry Federation launched the “Chinese Fashion Brand Climate Innovation Carbon Neutral Acceleration Plan”. It is planned to support the climate innovation actions of 10 key fashion brand companies and 50 manufacturing companies in the first batch, support the research, development, promotion and application of green and low-carbon technologies, comprehensively promote credible low-carbon products, and support sustainable consumption.

On October 11, 2021, the 2021 China Textile Green Development Conference was held. The conference proposed that achieving high-quality carbon peaking is the current industry’s implementation of the “double carbon” goal The top priority of the industry is to optimize the energy consumption structure as an important means for the industry to implement the “dual carbon” goal. Promoting the green transformation of the industry is the direct driving force for the industry to implement the “double carbon” action. The meeting also launched an action framework plan for the textile industry to promote carbon peak and carbon neutrality. It is proposed to accelerate the establishment and improvement of low-carbon standards and evaluation systems, strengthen energy-saving and low-carbon technology innovation, promote green transformation and upgrading of the industry, promote the construction of low-carbon public service platforms, closely follow the national carbon peak schedule, and ensure that high-quality carbon peaking is achieved before 2030. peak.

On October 26, 2021, China’s 17 market-leading brand companies and 40 key textile companies jointly held a joint meeting at the World Textile Merchant Conference held in Keqiao, Shaoxing The launch ceremony of the “30·60 China Textile and Apparel Carbon Neutrality Acceleration Action” was held and the climate action commitment was announced.

On March 26, China’s 17 market-leading brand companies and 40 key textile companies jointly held the “30·60 China Textile and Apparel Carbon Neutrality Acceleration Action” launch ceremony at the World Textile Merchant Conference in Keqiao, Shaoxing, and announced climate action promise.


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Author: clsrich

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