Composite Fabric,bonded fabric,Lamination Fabric Lamination Fabric News Alar: More than half of the cotton enterprises have processed it, and the processing is expected to be basically completed in early February.

Alar: More than half of the cotton enterprises have processed it, and the processing is expected to be basically completed in early February.

On December 10, most cotton companies in the Alar region of Xinjiang have completed half of their seed cotton processing, with a processing clothing score of around 36.5. It is expected that seed cotton process…

On December 10, most cotton companies in the Alar region of Xinjiang have completed half of their seed cotton processing, with a processing clothing score of around 36.5. It is expected that seed cotton processing will be basically completed by the end of January and early February.

The person in charge of a local cotton enterprise said that the quality of local lint cotton this year is generally better than in previous years. The main reason is that the city has strengthened the management of cotton variety sources and vigorously advocated The city recommends cotton varieties and adapts measures to local conditions.


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Author: clsrich

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