Composite Fabric,bonded fabric,Lamination Fabric Lamination Fabric News Changji Prefecture strengthens supervision and inspection of cotton procurement and processing

Changji Prefecture strengthens supervision and inspection of cotton procurement and processing

Recently, the State Administration for Market Regulation has dispatched supervisory personnel, professional and technical personnel, and administrative law enforcement personnel to cotton purchasing and process…

Recently, the State Administration for Market Regulation has dispatched supervisory personnel, professional and technical personnel, and administrative law enforcement personnel to cotton purchasing and processing enterprises to carry out cotton quality supervision and inspection work to ensure the stable operation of the cotton market.

On November 5, when I walked into the Laolonghe Cotton Ginning Factory of Changji Cotton Co., Ltd. of China National Cotton Group, I saw that each piece of cotton was mechanized and packaged. The “cotton eggs” are neatly stacked in the factory area. The roar of machines can be heard from the production workshop, and the workers are carrying out various operations in an orderly manner.

During the inspection, law enforcement officers carefully inspected the company’s seed cotton yard, weighing room, cotton inspection room, sample retention room, grading room, and processing workshop, and supervised The enterprise strictly implements the main responsibilities and fulfills the quality obligations of acquisition, processing, sales and warehousing. It also inspects whether the acquisition process is classified and graded and stacked, and whether it is classified and graded for processing. It also inspects the labeling, batching and cargo certificate compliance of the bales of lint cotton. .

Laolonghe Ginning Mill purchased more than 20,000 tons of seed cotton this autumn and can process 8,000 tons of lint. Currently, 40% of the total has been completed. Wei Bin, director of the ginnery, said: “Before the cotton purchase, we signed a quality commitment guarantee letter with the state market supervision department to strictly implement the autonomous region’s new cotton purchase ‘Double 12 Indicators’ (that is, cotton with moisture and impurities exceeding 12% will be rejected). Purchasing and storage), and at the same time, sampling and retaining samples of purchased seed cotton, and conducting inspections for cotton impurities and micronaire value. According to the purchase situation, the quality of cotton this year is significantly better than last year.”

“The quality of cotton this year has improved by 2 percentage points compared with last year.” Lu Dianhu, director of the ginning factory of Xinjiang Fenghui Cotton Co., Ltd., also had the same feeling. He said, “In the acquisition process , we strictly implement the ‘one-and-five-step’ approach to seed cotton procurement, and conduct detailed testing of the lint’s clothing content, impurities, moisture regain, hemp quality, length, and color grade to ensure the quality of seed cotton. In the processing process, we require the workshop to strictly control the ginning speed. We have put forward very strict standards for impurities and moisture resurgence to ensure the quality of cotton processing.” The company purchased 36,700 tons of seed cotton this year and has currently processed nearly 5,000 tons of lint.

Guo Zhigang, a member of the Party Leadership Group of the State Administration for Market Regulation, said that this year our state will strengthen the connection between cotton supervision and inspection, strictly implement the professional warehousing + public inspection system in the warehouse, and strictly implement Implement “one type and five determinations”, continue to supervise the entire chain of cotton acquisition, processing, warehousing, and sales, and help the high-quality development of the autonomous prefecture’s cotton industry.

According to reports, the overall level of cotton quality in our state this year is higher than in previous years. Indicators such as cotton length, breaking strength, micronaire value, and average uniformity have all improved compared with last year. White cotton accounted for 18% of grade 2 and grade 3 white cotton accounted for 68%.

This year, 2.7 million acres of cotton will be planted in our state. So far, cotton processing enterprises across the state have purchased a total of 753,000 tons of seed cotton, and the state fiber inspection institute has notarized and inspected 123,000 tons of lint. Market supervision departments at all levels across the state conducted two rounds of inspections of 62 cotton processing companies, with a total of 130 personnel dispatched.


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Author: clsrich

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