Composite Fabric,bonded fabric,Lamination Fabric Lamination Fabric News What fabric is cool for summer short-sleeves (if you don’t know how to choose, see here)

What fabric is cool for summer short-sleeves (if you don’t know how to choose, see here)

What fabric is the best for T-shirts? When buying T-shirts, apart from the style, the fabric is also important. So what kind of fabric is good? Let us analyze it~You can match it like thisModalModal fabric shou…

What fabric is the best for T-shirts? When buying T-shirts, apart from the style, the fabric is also important. So what kind of fabric is good? Let us analyze it~
You can match it like this
Modal fabric should be familiar to you. Its comfort level is really high. The fabric is very soft and smooth, and the cloth surface is also shiny. It is a natural mercerized fabric. However, there are also a few people who are not suitable for using it, because although it is There are no harmful substances, but because it is processed from chemical fibers, some people may be allergic. Moreover, it is okay to pursue comfort with this kind of fabric, but it is easy to deform~
I rarely hear this, but if I talk about its characteristics, you will know what it is like~ It is particularly Elastic, no static electricity, comfortable to the touch. Compared with T-shirts made of ordinary fabrics, its creases are easier to recover and it particularly highlights your figure. It not only retains the advantages of cotton, but also improves the shortcomings of pure cotton, which is inelastic and easy to deform, that is, it is easy to fade in the sun. But it can be regarded as one of the more popular fabrics in T-shirts in recent years~very worth buying~


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What material is the best for T-shirts
Pure cotton
First of all, let’s talk about T-shirts made of pure cotton. Most shopping guides will tell you that their T-shirts are pure cotton, including A certain product will also display the word “pure cotton”, so whether it is true or not, we can verify it as long as we know the shortcomings of pure cotton T-shirts. Everyone should know that it wrinkles easily, but in fact it also shrinks easily! If these two points are achieved, then you can admit that what the merchant said is true~
Of course, it also has many advantages, such as good skin-friendliness, good breathability, and good hygroscopicity. If you don’t pursue the brand, The pure cotton T-shirt should be the most cost-effective choice within the ordinary budget~
Polyester cotton
This should be very common. It is not easy to deform and wrinkle. The fabric has a hard feel and is comfortable. It’s not as strong as pure cotton but it’s still soft and thick. If it is a 65% cotton T-shirt fabric, it is still acceptable, but if it is 35% cotton, don’t buy it. It is uncomfortable and pilling, so why waste money~
Combed cotton
There are many T-shirts that are said to be pure cotton, but the fabric is marked as combed cotton, including many socks. In fact, there is no problem because it is indeed pure cotton. You don’t need to know much about the craftsmanship, but you need to know The thing is, it’s better than regular cotton. It can make T-shirts more high-end, softer, more comfortable, more washable and durable, and also have a certain gloss~
Mercerized cotton
In fact, it is also a type of pure cotton , but it adds an additional mercerizing process, and the specific processing method will not be mentioned. However, the fabric treated in this way not only has the characteristics of ordinary pure cotton T-shirts, but also has a better feel, higher comfort, and improved gloss. It is not easy to wrinkle or deform. It can be said that it is cotton. You are middle-class~
Cotton and linen
Cotton and linen T-shirts will be cooler than pure cotton T-shirts in summer when the temperature is high. You should know this, because its heat dissipation is five times better than that of wool. Times! It has the advantages of good breathability, no pilling, antistatic, and skin-friendly. And radiation protection! Research shows that as long as 20% linen is added to the fabric, it can prevent 80% of radiation. Therefore, it is very suitable for white-collar workers, women who are pregnant or planning to have children, and men who have not given birth. Of course, those who like to play with mobile phones and computers can also buy it~

This article is from the Internet, does not represent Composite Fabric,bonded Fabric,Lamination Fabric position, reproduced please specify the source.

Author: clsrich

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