On September 12, 2023, the Indonesian Anti-Dumping Commission (KADI) issued Announcement No. AD.02/682/KADI/09/2023 stating that in response to the Indonesian manufacturer PT Asia Pacific FibersT bk. and PT Indorama Synthetics Tbk. submitted an application on behalf of the Indonesian Manmade Fiber Producers Association (APSyFI) to initiate an anti-dumping investigation into synthetic filament yarn (Synthetic Filament Yarn) originating in China. The Indonesian tax numbers of the products involved are 5402.33.10, 5402.33.90, 5402.46.10, and 5402.46.90. The announcement shall be effective from the date of issuance.
Stakeholders should register to respond before September 25, 2023.
Contact information of the investigating agency:
Kementerian Perdagangan Gedung 1 Lantal 5
Address: Jl. MI. Ridwan Rais No.5, Jakarta 10110
Telephone: 62-21-3850541
Fax: 62-21-3850541
Email: [email protected]