High elastic pongee is on the rise again!  Textile trader: Do you want this “blessing”?

High elastic pongee is on the rise again! Textile trader: Do you want this “blessing”?

In the first half of last year, the popularity of high-elastic pongee was aroused in the textile market. Dyeing and printing factories were full of finished products and blanks. Although this year’s marke…

Price increased?  Turn-on rate regressed?  What’s going on!

Price increased? Turn-on rate regressed? What’s going on!

Needless to say, the recent textile market has made everyone feel like a mirror. Since crude oil fell sharply, it has returned to a stage of steady rise. Now faced with the high oil prices, our hearts have beco…

Is waffle hot again?  With a machine profit of 200 yuan per day, niche fabrics are worth looking forward to!

Is waffle hot again? With a machine profit of 200 yuan per day, niche fabrics are worth looking forward to!

Do you remember the hot-selling waffles some time ago? The “legendary” fabric that fell from the sky to the bottom, from 8 yuan/meter to 5 yuan/meter, has become popular again recently! “Matte…

Under double pressure, the textile market is in tears!  Order cancellations are common!

Under double pressure, the textile market is in tears! Order cancellations are common!

March of this year can be said to be rare. No matter how bad it was in previous years, it is probably not as painful as this year. In the past, there was a “roller coaster” of raw materials suddenly…

The squirt took over the squirt’s job!  Textile boss: As long as there are orders, what are you worried about if the cost is high?

The squirt took over the squirt’s job! Textile boss: As long as there are orders, what are you worried about if the cost is high?

“Recently, there have been some orders for 900D bead chains on the market. This gray fabric was originally made on a water-jet loom. Now many air-jet manufacturers are vying to produce it. You can imagine…

Sea freight has soared 4 times!  Textile people: The goods are floating on the sea, and the losses are skyrocketing!

Sea freight has soared 4 times! Textile people: The goods are floating on the sea, and the losses are skyrocketing!

Recently, under the influence of the epidemic, not only national logistics has been affected to varying degrees, but international logistics has also been suspended. 01Two major ports encountered epidemics and …

The clothing wholesale market, which has been quiet for more than half a month, is “moving” again!  But the textile market has encountered greater troubles

The clothing wholesale market, which has been quiet for more than half a month, is “moving” again! But the textile market has encountered greater troubles

Nowadays, the market is inevitably a little chaotic. The domestic epidemic has spread in many places, which has led to increased prevention and control measures in parks across the country: closures, employee i…


The operating rates of weaving and printing and dyeing have dropped, but these fabrics are still selling well and stand out!

The operating rates of weaving and printing and dyeing have dropped, but these fabrics are still selling well and stand out!

Recently, clusters of epidemics have occurred in many places in China, and the impact of geopolitical instability has increased significantly, and the textile industry has been affected to a certain extent. In …

Major polyester manufacturers plan to reduce production, shipping costs are skyrocketing, and printing and dyeing plants are also suspending production… The Golden Three is over, will the Silver Four be okay?

Major polyester manufacturers plan to reduce production, shipping costs are skyrocketing, and printing and dyeing plants are also suspending production… The Golden Three is over, will the Silver Four be okay?

Inventory·The most valuable hot spots of the week This week major polyester manufacturers plan to reduce production, sea freight has soared 4 times, Sijiqing has resumed business, and printing and dyeing factor…

Shocked!  The price of raw materials has already doubled, but the customer quoted the price two years ago. The textile boss said: Dream!

Shocked! The price of raw materials has already doubled, but the customer quoted the price two years ago. The textile boss said: Dream!

“A customer placed a foreign trade re-order for 2020 two days ago, but the price was still the same as before, but the price difference was more than one yuan. In the end, the customer only agreed to add 0.5 to…

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